Tuesday, August 25, 2020
History of Michigan Test
Portage's amazing race vehicle. This driver proceeded to establish a few speed precedents in the vehicle. A. Barney Oldie Ransom E. Olds' main rival at the turn of the twentieth century. F. David D. Buick A well off rancher and network pioneer who requested a wide range of brutality against railways, remembering consuming the new Michigan Central terminal for Detroit in 1850. B. Capable F. Fitch The man who established General Motors. His vision was to join a few littler auto organizations into one huge combination that could offer â€Å"a vehicle for each satchel and reason. C. William C. â€Å"Billy†Duran Prominent Saginaw inhabitant ho illicitly oversaw 1 5,000 sections of land of decision pine land which had been held for Indian proprietorship D. Ezra Rust 4. To discover the area of the best wood, stumble organizations recruited men to walk the woodlands and imprint on maps the locales of stands of decision trees. These men were called â€Å"pine scouts†or _: A) loggers B) lumberjacks C) shanty young men D) hatchet men 5. A 1846, the Michigan State Legislature chose to escape the railroad business.A fight called the â€Å"Great Railroad Conspiracy†came about when the privately owned businesses that assumed control over the state's rail lines reported that they uproarious no longer stand to proceed with what strategy? An) offering Michigan ranchers limited rates for delivery their yields to showcase on the train B) repaying ranchers for the passings of any domesticated animals that meandered onto the tracks and were slaughtered by passing trains C) repaying ranchers for crops becoming close to railroad tracks that were unintentionally determined to fire by flashes flying out of the smokestacks of passing trains D) conveying the U.S. Mail on the train 6. Who built up America's first vehicle organization in 1893? A) Ransom E. Olds B) Henry Ford C) Charles and Frank Audrey D) John and Horace Dodge As late as 1883â€before the U. S. Wh at's more, Canada built up a standard strategy for telling timeâ€Michigan had in any event what number of various time regions? A) 4 C) 17 D) 27 8. A critical development in railroad technologyâ€the programmed greasing up cup†significantly improved railroad proficiency in the late-nineteenth century.It was created by an African-American creator and mechanical specialist from Detroit named: An) Elijah McCoy B) Garrett Morgan C) Frederick Douglass D) Otis smith 9. Henry Ford culminated the sequential construction system procedure to build car creation, yet Ford didn't concoct the mechanical production system. What Michigan is reedited with being the FIRST to thought of building vehicles on a mechanical production system? A) William C. ‘Billy†Duran B) J. L. Hudson C) Ransom E. Olds D) Louis Chevrolet E) Horace Dodge 10. Henry Ford got known as the â€Å"workingman's friend†in 1 914 when he did what?A) multiplied the compensations of his workers from $2. 30 to $5. 00 per day B) decreased the normal work week from six days to five days C) diminished the normal work day from ten hours to eight hours D) introduced guarding and different gadgets to shield laborers from getting their hands, hair or attire trapped in the turning apparatuses, belts and wheels of his processing plant's sparkles 11 . Len 1 920, Henry Ford distributed a progression of ninety-one enemy of Semitic articles entitled, â€Å"The International Jew: The World's Problem†in what distribution? A) TIME magazine B) â€Å"Social Justice,†a pamphlet distributed by another Detroit hostile to Semite, Father Charles E.Slouching C) Ford's own paper, the DEARBORN INDEPENDENT D) THE JEFFERSONIAN magazine, distributed by Thomas E. Watson, a George legislator and individual from the UK Klux Klan 12. Who is credited with driving the primary gas fueled vehicle through the avenues of Detroit in 1896? A) Henry Ford B) Ransom E. Olds C) Goodliest Daimler D) Charles Brad y King 13. What was one of the most enduring commitments that Henry Ford made to the vehicle business? A) windshield wipers B) carburetor C) left-hand drive D) electric starter 14.What Michigan city was the childhood home for Thomas Alva Edison, perhaps the best creator? A) Battle Creek B) port Huron C) Mount Clemens D) Mount Pleasant 1 5. Henry Ford established the Ford Motor Company in 1903 and in 1908, presented the vehicle that not just put him on the map (and a multi-tycoon), yet actually put the world on wheels. What was Ford's vehicle called? A) Model A B) Model N C) Model T D) Model K 6. Like European churches in the Middle Ages, what structures in 1 ninth century America turned into the image of network pride and prosperity?A) railroad stations B) high rises C) town halls D) bank structures 17. As a result of its entrance to tremendous amounts of lumber, Michigan in the backtalk drove the country in what industry? A) furniture fabricating B) transport building C) producing charcoal briquettes D) wooden matches 18. What Michigan city got known as the ‘Vehicle City†in the backtalk? A) Detroit B) Flint C) Lansing D) Grand Rapids 19. A 1869, the normal speed of railways had arrived at a speed that appeared o be as quick as man ought to ever travel, in spite of the fact that it was not quick enough to move a train up steep hills.How quick were trains ready to go in 1869? A) 38 MPH B) 18 MPH C) 28 MPH D) 8 MPH 20. Ten years after Chicago about caught fire, the Thumb was assaulted by fire. The money related misfortune brought about by pulverization of harvests and wood surpassed $2 million. Representative Conger mentioned help from a recently shaped association whose viability during a fiasco had never been tried. What was the name of the association? An) American Red Cross B) Lignite Way C) Salvation Army D) Volunteers of America 1 - What was the essential technique for shipping slice trees from the woods to sawmills?A) stacking the logs onto c anal boats being towed by steamers B) stacking them onto horse-drawn carts C) stacking them onto railroad vehicles D) folding them into streams and gliding them downstream 22. Albeit the vast majority Of Michigan rail lines Were worked in the lower landmass, a couple of little ones were developed in the U. P. These lines regularly ran between stumble camps and mines to the closest harbor. To what extent was the Lake Superior and Spinning Railroad? A) 10 miles B) 2 miles C) 1/2 mile D) 25 miles E) 5 miles 23. 920 end up being an essential year for John and Horace Dodge, proprietors of the Dodge Brothers.What occurred? A) John and Horse's girls both got hitched around the same time. B)John and Horace both got hitched. C) Both men got pneumonia and passed on. D) Both men were drafted into the Automobile Hall of Fame. 24. Americans who were sufficiently fortunate to abstain from being contaminated during the incomparable Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 despite everything needed to manag e the general wellbeing statutes instituted to forestall the further spread of the infection. Cloth covers were to be worn in broad daylight; retail locations couldn't hold deals; and unreels could last close to 15 minutes.Soon there was a lack of: A) bandage veils, cotton gloves, and Kleenex tissues B) penicillin, headache medicine, and sulfa drugs C) sufficient supplies of new food and uncontaminated drinking water D) final resting places, undertakers, and undertakers 25. A the 19-youngsters, one dynamic competitor was chosen as Michigan senator. Under his initiative, the governing body passed various change measures, including guideline Of railways, extension Of State authority over business, update of state authority over business, and the section of the taste's first laborers' pay law.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pregnancy And Infection Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about the Pregnancy And Infection. Answer: Pregnancy and contamination The above research article portrays about the multifaceted nature of the safe reaction happening at the hours of pregnancy of a lady. The invulnerable reaction by the placenta for explicit pathogens influences the defenselessness of the lady to irresistible illnesses (Mor Cardenas, 2010). It is important to evaluate the communication of the pathogenic microorganisms with the placenta and its reactions to make a fitting prophylaxis treatment. Inquires about with respect to this issue have been finished by numerous researchers. This theme has been explored by Gil Mor, Ingrid Cardenas, Vikki Abrahams, and Seth Guller, who had been inquiring about in the branch of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive sciences. They have concentrated on the urgent inquiry whether the maternal resistance goes about as a companion or foe during pregnancy. They have attempted to build up another worldview for the fetal - maternal insusceptible response during pregnancy and furthermore the immunological reaction of the mother to different pathogens. As indicated by the creator, their primary test is to illuminate the immunological entanglements of pregnancy for conveying the suitable treatment to the patients with pregnancy (Mor et al., 2011). During pregnancy the human desidua comprises of huge number safe cells, for example, the macrophages, the administrative T cells and the normal executioner cells. At the hour of the primary trimester the dendritic cells, the NK cells and macrophages penetrates the desidua and totals aroun d the trophoblast cells that are attacking. decrease of the invulnerable cells ends the pregnancy (Pazos et al., 2012). In this way the erasure of the macrophages represents an inconvenient impact on the placental turn of events. This paper depicts the allograft worldview recently portrayed in the paper article. As indicated by the supposition of Sir Peter Medawar, Placenta is really an allograft that communicates proteins got from fatherly qualities and henceforth ought to be dismissed under typical immunologic conditions yet with the expanding information about placental science, it very well may be valued that placenta is progressively similar to a transplanted organ (Robbins Bakardjiev, 2012). The trophoblast and the maternal invulnerability have advanced in an agreeable manner to assist each other for the accomplishment of the pregnancy. As indicated by the Racicot ey al., (2014), there are sure immunological periods of pregnancy. The phases of pregnancy are highlighted by inco mparable incendiary situations. The first and the third trimester are master provocative and second trimester a calming. During the primary stage the blastocysts need to attack the uterus epithelial coating for the implantation, break the endometrial tissue, which is again trailed by the replacement of the trophoblast of the endothelium and the vascular smooth muscles of the veins of the mother for a satisfactory fetal blood flexibly. The second immunological stage comprises of a fast fetal development. In the last immunological stage there is a convergence of the insusceptible cells. The genius provocative condition causes uterus withdrawal, ejection of the infant and placenta dismissal. This strife of provocative reaction influences the host microorganism communication and takes into account various kinds of contaminations in would be moms (Mor et al., 2011). An article identified with this subject is pregnancy and contamination by Athena P. Kourtis, M.D., Ph.D., Jennifer S. Peruse, M.D., M.P.H., and Densie J.Jamieson, M.D., M.P.H. The paper had been distributed from the Division of the regenerative wellbeing and advancement, Centers of the sickness control and anticipation, Atlanta and the Department of the study of disease transmission and Biostatistics. Kourtis et al.., 2014, have expressed that in contrast with the non pregnant ladies, pregnant lady are progressively powerless to contaminations by infections like flu, hepatitis E and Herpes Simplex infection. Pregnancy is highlighted by its resilience towards the placenta and the hatchling, which permits the development of the outside tissue without dismissal (Kourtis et al., 2014). The expanded degree of Estrogen and the progesterone may smother the humoral resistance by stifling the creation of the B cell in the bone marrow. The ineffectual invulnerable reaction towards viral diseases lies in the degree of the cell insusceptibility (Kourtis et al., 2014). The inappropriate resistant reaction to the viral antigens during the growth time frame happens because of the move in the T-assistant cells from the Th-1 and the Th-2 cytokine (Silasi et al., 2014). The fundamental point of both the papers is to comprehend the immunological strides of pregnancy and the host organism association so as to make appropriate preventive prescriptions and prophylaxis for forestalling diseases and pregnancy misfortune. References Kourtis, A. P., Read, J. S., Jamieson, D. J. (2014). Pregnancy and contamination. New England Journal of Medicine, 370(23), 2211-2218. Mor, G., Cardenas, I. (2010). The resistant framework in pregnancy: an exceptional complexity.American diary of regenerative immunology,63(6), 425-433. Mor, G., Cardenas, I., Abrahams, V., Guller, S. (2011). Aggravation and pregnancy: the job of the resistant framework at the implantation site. Chronicles of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1221(1), 80-87. Pazos, M., Sperling, R. S., Moran, T. M., Kraus, T. A. (2012). The impact of pregnancy on fundamental resistance. Immunologic research, 54(1-3), 254-261. Racicot, K., Kwon, J. Y., Aldo, P., Silasi, M., Mor, G. (2014). Understanding the intricacy of the safe framework during pregnancy. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 72(2), 107-116. Robbins, J. R., Bakardjiev, A. I. (2012). Pathogens and the placental fortification. Current assessment in microbiology, 15(1), 36-43. Silasi, M., Cardenas, I., Kwon, J. Y., Racicot, K., Aldo, P., Mor, G. (2015). Viral contaminations during pregnancy. American diary of conceptive immunology, 73(3), 199-213.
Individual Attribute in Work Setting Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about the Individual Attribute in Work Setting. Answer: Presentation Singular trait in work setting is a more mind boggling marvel than it sounds. Different elements are straightforwardly identified with it for speaking to its result. The other legitimately related factors to it are work exertion or inspiration and authoritative help. Trait with mix of these two, brings about employment execution. Every enhancement the other for accomplishing the most ideal result. Once more, these three components are not steady. There is no precise recipe accomplishing the ideal result, as each individual is distinctive structure the other. Henceforth, various methodologies in the condition should consider for various people. This exposition is add to the clarification of different speculations identified with the three elements of occupation exhibitions that are singular characteristic, inspiration and authoritative commitment and how an appropriate blend of these can convey the ideal execution for some random association. The speculations in the article are upheld by different models for better comprehension of the circumstances. So, the investigation will investigate the degree of individual quality, work inspiration and authoritative help for recognizing singular contrasts in work execution of the laborers and how this encounters can encourage into situating a representative to their most appropriate job. Singular characteristic, work inspiration and authoritative help are the three significant mainstays of occupation execution. Need on angle down graduates the general occupation execution of the person. Henceforth, it very well may be expressed that these components are bury identified with each other and change in one viewpoint impacts the other two. A successive examination of the speculations will clarify the impacts of the variables in work settings. Work Motivation Theories Work inspiration is a significant patron in work execution. Different speculations are proposed by researchers after some time. Maslows Need Hierarchy The hypothesis is one on the pioneer in the field. The hypothesis depends on the human needs that he grouped in a various leveled design (Pinder 2014). Maslow put physiological need at the base of the progressive system pyramid followed by security, social regard needs putting the self-actualisation at its highest point. Physiological necessities are the fundamental human needs that are food, garments and safe house. While, the wellbeing needs are the financial and physical wellbeing and security. Fulfillment of these necessities require progressively fiscal speculation. The following one is the social needs that fuse the social solace. It is accomplished by the mingling and belongingness. The great workplace of an association can fulfill this specific need. Regard needs incorporate regard, certainty, quality, capability information and some more. Last need in the Maslows progressive system model is the self-realization that speaks to the climax of the various needs of the lower leve ls. It very well may be viewed as the people inspiration for changing impression of oneself into the real world. As per Maslow, human will in general give need in the accompanying request and satisfaction of these necessities will result into the better execution of the person. Thus, if an association give need and satisfies the necessities of the representatives as per this progressive system model they will have the option to extricate the a large portion of the presentation out of their workers (Niemela and Kim 2014) For instance, if an individual spends quite a while without food will show mistake in their work. It is seen that fresher will in general look for the lower level of requirements. While, an individual in administration for a more drawn out time needs to meet the more significant level of requirements. Herzberg Theory He further expanded Maslows work and proposed two factors that are inspirations and cleanliness. He put work satisfiers under the sparks and occupation disappoints in cleanliness. Herzberg classified accomplishment, acknowledgment, obligation, headway, development, work itself as the inspirations and put organization approach and organization, oversight, relational relations, working conditions, pay, status and security in the cleanliness factor. As indicated by him, the cleanliness isn't legitimately inverse to fulfillment, rather factor that can be transformed into sparks. Likewise, these two elements are fluctuated for individual to individual. The helper for one can be cleanliness for another and the other way around (Alston 2017). Model can be sited to clarify the idea where an individual may get sufficient acknowledgment that is a helper however may not be happy with the duty gone along. Inner persuasive estimation of the individual comes into question for the situation. So als o, extraordinary individual may show diverse arrangement of results. McClellands inspiration hypothesis This is one more need based hypothesis that distinguishes three needs, accomplishment, force and connection. The accomplishment need of an individual is the conduct that drives the person to contend and accomplish a standard of greatness. The requirement for power then again is the craving of an individual to oversee direct, control and lead the gathering. These individual consider of requesting individuals as opposed to taking them. The last need is the association is accepted to be the craving of a person to set up and keep up an amicable and warm connection with the collaborators in the work place. It is seen that the individuals who gained any of it according to his/her craving perform uniquely in contrast to who has not (Chen et al. 2015). For instance, if a worker gets acknowledgment and endorsement by the others in the work spot can accomplish the requirement for connection. McGregor X and Y Theory McGregor then again built up his hypothesis that distinguishes two unmistakable view dependent on support of the laborers. He put the negative view focuses towards the work into X hypothesis, though, placing the positive ones in the Y. By the hypothesis, he attempted to draw the furthest point diagrams inside which all the representatives work. He expressed that no man under any association remains in both of the limits and shows the characteristics of both. Men will in general swing starting with one characteristic then onto the next dependent on the inspiration picked up from the earth. The factors that create the X and Y hypothesis are legitimately controlled by the authoritative help (Lawter, Kopelman and Prottas 2015). For instance, if the association shows positive help and give a plain domain to its workers, the representatives will likewise consider their obligations and need their association to succeed. Hierarchical Support Hierarchical help is another significant component that contributes towards singular property. This hypothesis finds authoritative help vital for accomplishing the advantages of expanded work exertion. The workers of the association are worried about the degree to which the association esteems their commitment and really thinks about their prosperity. Various researchers saw hierarchical help hypothesis diversely keeping up the center embodiment of its significance. Tsaia (2015) depicted association bolster functions as the forerunner to the positive sentiment of the laborers. A positive help will encourage in bringing uplifting mentality of the laborer toward their work. Another famous view held by the researchers that agreeable work culture is the center of association support and encourages in positive outcomes. As indicated by Chow et al. (2010) administrative supports is significant for worker recognitions and conduct. Their view incorporates non-money related and monetary help, hierarchical structure and task and relates them with the worker fulfillment and work execution (Alizadeh and Cheraghalizadeh 2015; Eisenberger and Stinglhamber 2011). The lodgings are confronting steady strain to change as indicated by the market need. The authority is consequently continually reassuring their representatives to play out their best and satisfy their job as residents (Chiang and Hsieh 2012) Singular Attribute No two man is indistinguishable each individual has exceptional qualities. It clearly influences the people and authoritative generally speaking execution. It incorporates inner inspiration, sex, ethnic, moral and class personality, strict, moral and virtues, passionate, scholarly, physical and imaginative capacities and past work understanding. To put it plainly, singular qualities are implanted profoundly into our character that is difficult to modify. On opposite, we can create aptitudes to defeat the circumstance. For instance, it is difficult to raise the IQ level of an individual, however one can generally turn out to be increasingly instructed that will compensate for the low IQ (Meyer et al. 2012). The characters of individual characteristics can be as per the following. Accomplishment disposition It is the level of inspiration in a person. It regularly develops at the age of 25 30 and distinctive outer components assumes dynamic job in adjusting the inspiration. It can extend from tireless to unmotivated mentality. Enthusiastic disposition Emotions, for example, certainty, steady, uncertain fretful are the leader of our lives. Vitality level It alludes to the pace of our every day life. Some can be dynamic and other can be delayed in work that is legitimately reflected in the activity execution. Scholarly factors It is the attributes of our psyche. It characterizes how we can get things. A human psyche can be alert, insightful dull-witted. It is the limit of our mind and difficult to change. Material perspectives It characterizes how we see our condition. Philosophical perspectives It is our perspective. It very well may be hopeful, negative and some more. Development It is the degree of ones shrewdness and experience. Physical mentality The state of being of our body has direct appearance in our work. Execution of a solid individual has significant contrast than a powerless or wiped out individual. Hazard mentality It is the level of concern one see and the essential moves the individual in question makes to evade the hazard. Undertaking execution It is the disposition towards issue and the strategy picked for comprehending it. It can go from composed to thoughtless (G
Friday, August 21, 2020
Fast Food Nation Essay Example for Free
Inexpensive Food Nation Essay The development of the inexpensive food industry in the course of recent decades into what it is today is an obvious wonder that has happened in an alarmingly quick pace. The truth is it appears that an individual has an exceptionally practical possibility of finding a McDonalds inside a 4 mile span of any family unit in the nation, it is likewise questionable this is now the situation for the world also, and in the event that not currently, at that point very soon in fact. As indicated by an article â€Å"Good Home CookingRight off the Assembly Line,†by James Bone on the Times Online Web webpage stated, â€Å"only 33% of Americans cook dinners from scratch†, which means with new fixings. Bone likewise reports that â€Å"Americans go through just thirty minutes preparing supper, contrasted and 2-1/2 hours in the 1960s†. In his book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser says, â€Å"one-quarter of Americans eat in a drive-through joint each day†(3). For what reason are Americans eating so much cheap food? The appropriate response is basic: they are eager to exchange quality for speed. While Americans might be pulled in to food that is quick and simple, they are feeling the loss of some significant advantages of easing back down. Truth be told, Americans’ fixation on inexpensive food is harming their wellbeing as well as the nature of their lives. The primary explanation that Americans are getting take-out food and preparing arranged suppers is self-evident: they don’t have sufficient opportunity. Bone said â€Å"in more than 66% of families in America, two individuals are working†. Individuals with requesting work plans possess little energy for food shopping and cooking. Another explanation that supper time has become so short is that numerous more youthful grown-ups experienced childhood in what one may call an inexpensive food culture. In the previous fifty years, developments, for example, TVs, fax machines, and PCs have expanded the pace of life. Simultaneously, microwaves, pass through cafés, and TV suppers have changed the manner in which Americans eat. Numerous individuals currently like to eat immediately, even in their vehicles or before the TV, rather than setting aside some effort to prepare a supper and sit at the table. In this culture of moment delight, individuals don’t think food is sufficiently significant to invest a lot of energy in. Despite the fact that Americans believe that they are sparing time and improving their lives by eating precooked and prepackaged food, their fixation on cheap food is making the nature of their lives go down. Inexpensive food doesnt contain the supplements your body needs to remain sound. They have loads of additives, fat, sugar, and salt to shroud the way that they are not new. Subsequently, individuals may feel constantly exhausted and come up short on the vitality they have to finish day by day assignments. On the off chance that individuals don't eat new nourishments that give vital nutrients and minerals, they may get worn out and wiped out, and they will pass up chances to make the most of their lives. Another genuine wellbeing concern is corpulence. There is a corpulence plague in America today, particularly with youngster, that is identified with the manner in which individuals are eating. As per Schlosser, â€Å"the pace of weight among American kids is twice as high as it was in the late 1970s†(240). Corpulence can prompt numerous medical issues, including diabetes, coronary illness, and malignancy. In The Link Between Fast Food And The Obesity Epidemic. Dustin Frazier composes, â€Å"deaths because of terrible eating routine and physical latency expanded 33 percent over the past decade†. It refers to an investigation presuming that, â€Å"poor diet and physical idleness may before long surpass tobacco as the main source of death in this country†. Positively, in the event that inexpensive food makes individuals become hefty, and afterward corpulence makes them become ill beyond words, food can't be considered â€Å"improvement†in Americans’ lives. Despite the fact that Americans may think they are sparing time and improving their lives by eating inexpensive food, they will really have more advantageous and increasingly pleasant lives on the off chance that they change the manner in which they cook and eat. Making supper without any preparation is a lot more advantageous than getting hamburgers and French fries from a drive-through joint. What's more, individuals get something other than a full stomachthey get additional time with loved ones and a nice sentiment from making something sound. Individuals ought to figure out how to pick inexpensive food cautiously and recall the joy of eating great food following some great people's example. Work Cited Bone, James. â€Å"Good Home CookingRight off the Assembly Line. †TimesOnline 27 Mar. 2006. 9 Oct. 2006http://www. timesonline. co. uk/article/0,,11069-2105427,00. html. Frazier, Dustin A. The Link Between Fast Food And The Obesity Epidemic. Wellbeing Matrix: diary Of Law-Medicine 17. 2 (2007): 291-317. Scholarly Search Complete. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. Schlosser, Eric. Inexpensive Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York, NY: Perennial, 2002. Print.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
How to Tell If Someone Is Addicted to Weed
How to Tell If Someone Is Addicted to Weed Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Print How Do You Know If Someone Is Addicted to Weed? By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 16, 2020 Deux/The Image Bank/Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery If your friend smokes weed and you are concerned that it is a problem, then talk to them about it. A clear sign that recreational substances, such as alcohol or marijuana, have become an addiction is when your friends family life, daily activities, and ability to work is impeded, or they cant stop using the substance even though they want to quit. Is Marijuana Addictive? A marijuana addiction is uncommon and only diagnosed in severe cases. Only 9 percent of users will develop a dependence, which is medically less serious than an addiction. The number rises to about 17 percent for those who started using weed in their teens, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). If your friend uses pot occasionally, they do not have an addiction to marijuana. Marijuana Use Disorder Rather than use the term addiction, health professionals prefer terms like marijuana dependence and marijuana use disorder. The NIDA estimates that about 30 percent of marijuana users may have some degree of marijuana use disorder. It is more likely that your friend who smokes weed has a marijuana use disorder than an addiction, but keep in mind that 70 percent of people who use marijuana do not have a marijuana use disorder. The likelihood your friend has a marijuana use disorder is also very low. Marijuana Dependence If your friend frequently uses marijuana and has marijuana dependence, then your friend would feel withdrawal symptoms upon stopping the use of the drug. Marijuana withdrawal symptoms are typically mild, and peak within the first week after quitting and may last up to two weeks. Symptoms include: IrritabilityTrouble sleepingDecreased appetiteRestlessness? Marijuana Effects on the Adolescent Brain Some studies suggest that teenagers who use marijuana frequently may experience short-term effects such as problems with memory, learning, coordination, and judgment. As for long-term effects on the adolescent brain, some studies suggest an association between regular marijuana use in teens with altered connectivity and reduced volume of specific brain regions, while other studies have not found significant structural differences between the brains of users and non-users. A large cohort study, cited by the NIDA, followed nearly 4,000 young adults over a 25-year period into mid-adulthood and found although cumulative lifetime exposure to marijuana is associated with lower verbal memory test scores, it did not affect other cognitive abilities like processing speed or executive function. Studies have found that frequent use of marijuana as a teenager can be associated with an average IQ loss of eight points that were not recoverable after quitting. However, the same use in adults showed no reduction in IQ. The researchers concluded that their data suggests marijuanas strongest long-term impact is on young users whose brain is still developing. Marijuana Is Not a Gateway Drug Marijuana is not generally considered a gateway drug because the majority of weed users do not go on to use harder, addictive substances, including cocaine and heroin. The science of addiction is more reliable than a dated hypothesis and shows your social environment might be a more critical factor in determining your risk for trying harder drugs. It is suggested that if you are more vulnerable to getting involved with addictive substances, then you are more likely to start with things that are more readily available, such as alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana. If you have social interactions with other substance users, then your likeness of trying other drugs increases.
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