Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Revolutionary War Hero Ethan Allen
Ethan Allen was born in Litchfield, Connecticut in 1738. He fought in the American Revolutionary War. Allen was the leader of the Green Mountain Boys and along with Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British in 1775 in what was the first American victory of the war. After Allen’s attempts to have Vermont become a state failed, he then unsuccessfully petitioner to have Vermont become part of Canada. Vermont became a state two years after Allen’s death in 1789. Early Years Ethan Allen was born on January 21, 1738, to Joseph and Mary Baker Allen in Litchfield, Connecticut, Shortly after birth, the family moved to the neighboring town of Cornwall. Joseph wanted him to attend Yale University, but as the oldest of eight children, Ethan was forced to run the family property upon Josephs’ death in 1755. Around 1760, Ethan made his first visit to the New Hampshire Grants, which is presently in the state of Vermont. At the time, he was serving in the Litchfield County militia fighting in the Seven Years’ War. In 1762, Ethan married Mary Brownson and they had five children. After Mary’s death in 1783, Ethan married Frances Fanny Brush Buchanan in 1784 and they had three children. The beginning of the Green Mountain Boys Although Ethan served in the French and Indian War, he did not see any action. After the war, Allen purchased land near the New Hampshire Grants in what is now Bennington, Vermont. Shortly after purchasing this land, a dispute arose between New York and New Hampshire over the land’s sovereign ownership. In 1770, in response to a New York Supreme Court ruling that the New Hampshire Grants were invalid, a militia named the â€Å"Green Mountain Boys†was formed in order to keep their land free and clear from the so-called â€Å"Yorkers†. Allen was named as their leader and the Green Mountain Boys used intimidation and sometimes violence in order to force the Yorkers to leave. Role in the American Revolution At the onset of the Revolutionary War, the Green Mountain Boys immediately joined forces with the Continental Army. The Revolutionary War officially began on April 19, 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. A major consequence of the â€Å"Battles†was the Siege of Boston whereby colonial militiamen surrounded the city in an attempt to keep the British Army from leaving Boston. After the siege began, Massachusetts military governor for the British, General Thomas Gage realized the importance of Fort Ticonderoga and sent a dispatch to General Guy Carleton, Quebec’s governor, ordering him to send additional troops and munitions to Ticonderoga. Before the dispatch could reach Carleton in Quebec, the Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan and in a joint effort with Colonel Benedict Arnold were ready to attempt to overthrow the British at Ticonderoga. At the break of dawn on May 10, 1775, the Continental Army won the first American victory of the young war when it crossed Lake Champlain and a force that numbered around one hundred militiamen overran the fort and captured the British forces while they slept. There was not a single soldier killed on either side nor were there any serious injuries during this battle. The following day, a group of the Green Mountain Boys led by Seth Warner took Crown Point, which was another British fort just a few miles north of Ticonderoga. One major result of these battles was that colonial forces now had the artillery that they would need and use throughout the War. Ticonderoga’s location made the perfect staging ground for Continental Army to initiate their first campaign during the Revolutionary War – an invasion of into the British-held province of Quebec, Canada. Attempt to Overtake Fort St. John In May, Ethan led a detachment of 100 Boys to overtake Fort St. John. The group was in four bateaux, but failed to take provisions and after two days without food, his men were extremely hungry. They came across on Lake St. John, and while Benedict Arnold provided the men food he also attempted to discourage Allen from his goal. However, he refused to heed the warning. When the group landed just above the fort, Allen learned that at least 200 British regulars were approaching. Being outnumbered, he led his men across the Richelieu River where his men spent the night. While Ethan and his men rested, the British began to fire artillery at them from across the river, causing the Boys to panic and return to Ticonderoga. Upon their return, Seth Warner replaced Ethan as the leader of the Green Mountain Boys due to their losing respect for Allen’s actions in trying to overtake Fort St. John. Campaign in Quebec Allen was able to convince Warner to allow him to stay on as a civilian scout as the Green Mountain Boys were participating in the campaign in Quebec. On September 24, Allen and about 100 men crossed the Saint Lawrence River, but the British had been alerted to their presence. In the ensuing Battle of Longue-Pointe, he and about 30 of his men were captured. Allen was imprisoned in Cornwall, England for approximately two years and returned to the United States on May 6, 1778, as part of a prisoner exchange. Time After the War Upon his return, Allen settled in Vermont, a territory which had declared its independence from the United States as well as from Britain. He took it upon himself to petition the Continental Congress to make Vermont the fourteenth U.S. state, but due to Vermont having disputes with surrounding states of over the rights to the territory, his attempt failed. He then negotiated with Canadian governor Frederick Haldimand to become part of Canada but those attempts also failed. His attempts to have Vermont become part of Canada which would have reunited the state with Great Britain, eroded the public’s confidence in his political and diplomatic capabilities. In 1787, Ethan retired to his home in what is now Burlington, Vermont. He died in Burlington on February 12, 1789. Two years later, Vermont joined the United States. Two of Ethan’s sons graduated from West Point and then serve in the United States Army. His daughter Fanny converted to Catholicism and then she entered a convent. A grandson, Ethan Allen Hitchcock, was a Union Army general in the American Civil War.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Is a Waterspout a Tornado
Waterspouts are whirling columns of air and mist that form most frequently during warm seasons over oceans, harbors, and lakes. Theyre often called tornadoes over water, but not all waterspouts are true tornadoes. Of the two types of waterspoutsâ€â€fair weather and tornadicâ€â€only tornadic waterspouts are actually tornadoes. The lower Florida Keys report more waterspout activity than any other location in the world, and Florida is considered to be the waterspout capital of the U.S. In Fair Weather The words fair weather and waterspout may seem like a contradiction, but most waterspouts form during periods of mild to warm sunny weather. First, a dark spot forms on the waters surface. The spot gradually moves into a spiral pattern, then a spray ring forms. A condensation funnel develops before the waterspout eventually dissipates and spins out. This type of waterspout initially forms over water due to warm temperatures in the lower atmosphere that combine with high humidity. Fair weather waterspouts are generally not as dangerous and are far more common than tornadic waterspouts. In contrast to an ordinary tornado which develops downward from a thunderstorm, a fair weather waterspout develops on the waters surface then makes its way upward into the atmosphere. Waterspouts of this type are often short-lived, lasting less than 15 to 20 minutes. They also tend to be quite weak, rarely rating higher than an EF0 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Another characteristic of fair weather waterspouts is that multiple vortices or funnels often form in the same area at one time. Whenever a waterspout moves over land it is called a landspout. However, fair weather waterspouts often unravel and dissipate as they approach land. Tornadic Waterspouts Tornadic waterspouts are tornadoes that form over water or move from land to water. They form under the same severe weather conditions as ordinary tornadoesâ€â€that is, they are vertical columns of rotating air that extend from cumulonimbus or severe thunderstorm clouds down to the ground. Also like ordinary tornadoes, they have high winds, large hail, frequent lightning, and can be fairly destructive. Waterspouts in Snowy Conditions For you snow lovers, there actually is such a thing as a winter waterspoutâ€â€a waterspout that occurs in the winter season beneath the base of snow squalls. Called snowspouts, ice devils, or snownadoes, they are extremely rareâ€â€so rare, in fact, that only a handful of photos of them exist. How to Avoid Them Boaters and people who live near larger bodies of water should take waterspout watches and warnings very seriously, even those for fair weather waterspouts. A watch simply means that current conditions might produce a waterspout, whereas a warning is issued when the National Weather Service has detected waterspout activity in the area. Be sure to keep your distance. Never move in for a closer look because you probably wont be able to tell what kind of waterspout it is and a tornadic waterspout can be as dangerous as a tornado. If youre out on the water when a waterspout forms, move away from it by traveling at a 90-degree angle from its movement.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
St. Thomas Aquinas Proving Gods Existence Essay
Thomas Aquinas inherently affirmed in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Born in Italy in 1225 to a noble family, Thomas was one of at least nine children. He was a highly educated man, beginning his education at the Abbey of Monte Cassino, moving on to the University of Naples. Thomas had a strong belief in God and aspired to prove God’s actuality. During his life, Aquinas produced numerous works on the subject the most notable being the Summa contra Gentiles and the Summa Theologica . He leaves us a legacy as a great theologian and philosopher, often compared to Aristotle. â€Å"Much of Thomas’s personal studies went into ‘exposition’, as he usually called it, of works of Aristotle. Having embarked on what would become the Summa†¦show more content†¦Goodness itself, truth itself, and intellect itself. â€Å"According to Aquinas Goodness truth or intelligence are not attributes of God but, they are understood by us. Accordingly we m ust first show that every agent, by its action, intends an end. For in those things which clearly act for an end, we declare the end to be that towards which the movement of the agent tends; for when this is reached, the end is said to be reached, and to fail in this is to fail in the end intended.†(Pegis 429) â€Å"In Summa contra Gentiles Aquinas writes, â€Å"Nothing tends to something as its end, except insofar as this is good†¦ that which is the supreme good is supremely the end of all†¦ Therefore all things are directed to the Supreme good, namely God, as their end.†Echoing Aristotle, he states that this ultimate good cannot be wealth, because wealth is â€Å"not sought except for the sake of something else†; it cannot be power, because power is â€Å"unstable†and can be abused; it cannot consist of indulging the senses, since this is â€Å"common to man and other animals†; and it cannot be the goods of the body, such as health, beauty, and strength, because â€Å"the soul is better than the body.†The supreme good, therefore, can be only the contemplation of God, now and in the life to come, where the soul isShow MoreRelated Thomas Aquinas Work to Prove the Existence of God Essays1013 Words  | 5 PagesChristian, Thomas Aquinas n aturally believed in God, but he wanted to prove Gods existence to those who could not accept things on faith alone. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Negative Effects Of Poverty - 1062 Words
In his quote, Dr. Haim Ginott a child psychologist is famous for stating the following: â€Å"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.†According to Yoshikawa, H., Aber, J. L., Beardslee, W. R. (2012), Poverty is a critical risk factor for many of the mental, emotional and behavioral disorders of children and youth. Across many studies, poverty is associated with a range of negative outcomes for children in the realms of physical health, language, and cognitive development, academic achievement and educational attainment. The problem is that poverty is affecting our children physically, mentally and emotionally. In order to see change, we need to provide help that is not temporary or just keeping families†¦show more content†¦have a foreign-born parent, and 4.2 million children of immigrant parents are poor. It is reported that child poverty in immigrant families is more closely related to low-wage work and barriers to valuable work s upports. According to Farthing, R. (2016), previous discussed the impact of low incomes on family dynamics, with children and young people emphasizing the family stress poverty can induce, from tensions over limited resources, a lack of time together as parents’ juggle work and childcare, to boredom because there was not enough money to do anything together. The solution for children and youth is that since they are surrounded by negative factors, the ideal environment would be promoting self-advocacy and self-awareness through educational purposes such as the local YMCA, to increase activities and afterschool programs. The risk factors for homelessness in children and youth is that the extreme poverty is the strongest predictor of homelessness for families. These families are often forced to choose between housing and other necessities for their survival. At least 11% of American children living in poverty are homeless. Female-headed households (particularly by women with limited education and job skills) are also particularly vulnerable. The current economic climate has made the labor market even less hospitable as many of them do not have more than a high school diploma or GED. Homelessness is linked to poor physical health for childrenShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Poverty1440 Words  | 6 Pages The negative effects of poverty have consistently led to disastrous outcomes for those who attend school in an effort to acquire a better education. These effects might be caused by the home life and financial instability. It could also be an effect on the school, which has suffered from financi al instability. This can lead to an inability to give students the proper time and education that they deserve. Multiple groups are involved in efforts to assist children in poverty by having better schoolRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Poverty On Education790 Words  | 4 Pageslife, that can make a negative impact on their education. Students who live in poverty go through more stressful situations at an earlier age. Those situations can keep them from having academic success because they have too many other distractions in their life. The schools that have more low income families are amongst those who have the lowest test scores and the highest drop out rates. 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Draw the structure of a mitochondrion as seen in an electron micrograph Free Essays
6)a) Draw the structure of a mitochondrion as seen in an electron micrograph.[5] B) Describe the central role of acetyl (ethanoyl) CoA in carbohydrate fat metabolism.[5] Acetyl CoA is formed in both carbohydrate and fat metabolism. We will write a custom essay sample on Draw the structure of a mitochondrion as seen in an electron micrograph or any similar topic only for you Order Now In carbohydrate metabolism, Acetyl CoA links glycolysis and the Krebs’s cycle in a link reaction, in the link reaction carbohydrates or glucose is converted into pyruvic acid and from that into Acetyl CoA. In fat metabolism, the Acetyl CoA is formed from fats, the fats breakdown into glycerol and fatty acids. The fatty acids are then oxidized to form Acetyl CoA. The carrier CoA accepts acetyl groups produced in both metabolisms and brings them to be used in the Krebs cycle. c) Discuss the importance of a balanced diet for people with varying energy needs. [8] A balanced diet is a diet which contains vitamins, minerals, and other necessary particles for the normal function of the body, but also a balanced diet is balanced so it doesn’t contain any of these in excess or lacking in. For a person to remain healthy they must have a balanced diet. If there are excessive amounts of energy left in the body it may cause obesity. Everyone has different energy needs, for example an 80 year old needs less energy than a 14 year old. Different people have different needs depending on their age, amount of action done in a day, their physical condition and gender. The more physically active a person is the more energy they require; an Olympic athlete needs more energy than a science teacher. So the Olympic athlete needs more energy so they need to take in lots of carbohydrates and sugars that can be broken down easily and quickly to provide them with the ATP the need. A science teacher will need fewer carbohydrates than the Olympic athlete because the teacher doesn’t need a quick energy supplier so they tend to eat fats and carbohydrates. Most of the energy gotten from fats is stored in the body therefore this is not useful if you need the energy immediately. Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="6wp7xeL5dz" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe Also pregnant women need more energy than me because she needs to supply herself and the child with energy. During times of growth you also need more energy than usual because you body is growing and it needs extra energy. Also someone who isn’t that physically active should require less energy than someone who is very physical active. There is a trend that men need more energy daily than a woman. How to cite Draw the structure of a mitochondrion as seen in an electron micrograph, Papers
Corporations Law The Scallop Fishing
Question: Describe about the Corporations Law for The Scallop Fishing. Answer: 1. The Scallop fishing is restricted to certain regions of AFZ and also it is restricted by quantity and as per the rights granted under AFMA guidelines as framed. The Scallop Fishing and Marketing Act govern the Scallop fishing and marketing in Australia and under strict quota system which is also under control of Scallop Marketing Authority. The Scallop fishing or rather any fishing is managed by AFMA or Australian Fisheries Management Authority which is restricted to AFZ or Australian Fishing Zone and it is limited to 200 nautical miles limit. The Offshore Constitutional Settlement or OCS is made between the states and federal government to manage the fishing control. The above case is to be also guided by the AFZ or OCS or AFMA laid guidelines in the Fisheries Management Act, 1991 where it is laid down those rights are granted to each and every fisherman or even a fishing company (Afma, 2016). These rights are related to fishing of a particular fish type allowed, daily or yearly quota or quantity fixed, type of boats to used, types of equipments to be used, whether it should be directly or through any representative, if type of boat is not known then it should be later notified to AFMA and the rights are granted in the form of a permit which is also mandatory to do any type of fishing within the AFZ locations and as specified. Section 32 says about the permits and its issuance. The permit also mentions certain guidelines under section 41A to do business rightly. The rights may also given by the usage of tender or by special auction called by the AFMA to give special rights where any person is having more capacity to make harvest as specified by AFMA in the auction. These are hence special rights granted and they are very rare and not given in normal course of the system (Wa, 2016). The capacity of Bob was more than 50 tonnes of Scallops in a year but he cannot make more harvest in the presence of such restrictions as mentioned under the AFMA which is also governed by OCS. His daughter Alice has advised him to form a company and make more harvest but it will not be the right process in doing fishing business as per anyones will. But the rights are needed can be only granted by AFMA. Special rights grant can be given by the AFMA is possible if only AFMA thinks it fit on receiving application from persons interested to take rights in multiple fishing and in multiple locations and more than the quota. The fishing of restricted items is to be done with clear permit where the exact item and quota on yearly basis is mentioned. On making application of the prescribed form to AFMA the new right can be granted to all interested persons to take up fisheries in the AFZ regions. The Scallop fishing is restricted as this is a very expensive fishing product which is mostly sold in Asian market through Hongkong and European market. Hence the restrictions are imposed to control unauthorised fishing by anyone to make more profits which are not permitted by AFMA. All fishing companies are also governed by The Fisheries Management Act, 1991 and are to function through permits issued by AFMA on the basis of the written application in the prescribed form for grant of rights. Therefore the idea of making company is not correct but the special right or auction may be the right way to do more business. Hence to get more business rights the written applications must be given to the AFMA for allowing special rights for increase of quota in the years and also to increase the type of fishing items in the rights and permits granted thereon. The permit and rights of the Scallops fishing given by the AFMA for AFZ is very much the systematic approach of the Australian government so that the fishing business can be grown with perfection and with right pace. Hence the system of auction is also made to give the right to those who have more capacity to do more business or have intention to make more out of the benefit provided by AFMA (Dpipwe, 2016). 2. The New Nirvana Ltd, a company owned by a few members of rock brand have floated a few wholly owned subsidiaries that do the concert setting job. One of such subsidiaries is Nuclear Blast Sounds Pty Ltd who is responsible for setting up sound equipments in Australia. The wholly owned subsidiaries are the parent companies arm or it can be said that these subsidiaries are formed with a purpose to make the business more profitable and better controlled as the job area gets segregated into these wholly owned subsidiaries. In recent times the Nuclear Blast Sounds Pty Ltd has organised the sound systems for a concert of the rock band at Sydney where the sound level was kept very high and above the permissible limits with negligence and due to which the hearing problem occurred to five audiences who were taking part in the concert. These five audiences was critically injured in their ears and had the permanent loss of hearing capacity and due to this they blamed the Nuclear Blast Sounds Pty Ltd and have claimed for compensation for the damages caused by their negligence. The subsidiary did not had negligence insurance and therefore it was unable to make the damages claim right for the five audiences who lost their hearing capacity due to the negligent use of the high level of the sound system. The law says that the holding company of any wholly subsidiary companies are also responsible of the controlling these subsidiaries and therefore the negligence of any wholly owned subsidiaries done are or become an indirect responsibility of the parent company. The misdoings are also an indirect part of the holding company. Hence in this case also the sound level placing at a very high level and the loss of hearing by five audiences are an indirect job of the New Nirvana Ltd. Hence the negligence insurance claim by these five audiences were made to New Nirvana Ltd. were justified but the lack of negligence insurance by Nuclear Blast Sounds Pty Ltd. did not able to make the damages claim. Hence the five audiences now placed the claims of damages to the New Nirvana Ltd and it becomes the sole responsibility to make good the damages of the five audiences as the sound level should have been kept as per the given or set guidelines and when their subsidiary was both negligent in not maintaining the sound level and also not to have the negligence insurance. Hence the New Nirvana is bound to make the damages by either making direct settlement or by usage of any insurance of any type which is related to such problem which may be related to hearing loss. And it also shows that the company as well as its subsidiar y should have taken the insurance which is or may have saved the damages claim through the insurance policy taken. The damages should be made by the New Nirvana Ltd as there is no other way legally. The legal bindings of the holding company over its all subsidiaries are very clearly mentioned although the subsidiaries act as separate persons or entity but in case of any mistakes by such companies the holding companies also get into the legal tangle as per the subsidiary and holding companies legal bindings involved and responsibilities towards society and also towards government. It shows also that the legal side of all types must be studied in doing any business where insurance plays an important part in the case of making any damages right. In the absence of insurance the loss due to damages can highly affect the profitability of the business and also it must be seen that such legality of rules must be maintained (Murphy, 1998). 3. Simon, Don and Michael started a project management company called Millennium Pty Ltd. where Don was a solicitor and he was appointed by both Simon and Michael as the Solicitor of the new formation. The companys constitution also mentioned that he will act in case of any land was to be purchased. After a few years passed of the new business both Simon and Michael came across another solicitor who as per their view is more efficient than Don and appoints him. On this Don started a legal action although he is a part of the company but in the constitution it was mentioned that any dispute between the company and its partners must be first referred to an arbitrator before moving to court. But here the arbitrator was not consulted by Don but he imposed legal proceedings against the company along with Simon and Michael which is practically in violation to the agreement done by all three at the time of starting the company. The company hence can and should defend the case by placing of the legal guidelines as per the companys constitution which clearly says that a dispute can be resolved by calling on an arbitrator who can understand the dispute and make necessary mediation first instead of any legal actions or any court proceedings hence the legal action taken by Don is not right and as per the legal guidelines laid in the constitution of the company formed (Lawsocietysa, 2016). The constitution is a legal documents also and if Don is violating the points or clauses mentioned there then he is first doing something illegal himself by initiating legal process. In this process of initiating legal action against the company he is also doing a legal process against him as well as he is also a partner of the company although besides he was appointed by Simon and Michael as solicitor in case of land purchase by the company. Hence the change of solicitor is not a very big deal in Australia as per their eligibility is concerned and is also needed to justify the legality of the decision taken by Don. The legal action will be and can be countered by both Simon and Michael on the ground that the arbitrator should have been consulted before any legal action as these violated the existing position already accepted and formed in the constitution. The legal guidelines as per the provisions of Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act, 2013 laid that how a solicitor will act and what types of ethics they will follow, hence being a solicitor himself Don must not violate the said ethics and rules laid down (Austlii, 2016). References: Afma, 2016. Fishing rights permits. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2016]. Austlii, 2016. LEGAL PROFESSION UNIFORM LAW AUSTRALIAN SOLICITORS' CONDUCT RULES 2015. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2016]. Dpipwe, 2016. Legislation and Management Plans. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2016]., 2016. Scallop commercial fishing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2016]. Lawsocietysa, 2016. Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2016]. Murphy, D., 1998. Holding Company Liability for Debts of its Subsidiaries: Corporate Governance Implications. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2016].
Friday, May 1, 2020
The Best Vacation free essay sample
What is your favorite vacation spot? I was finally entering â€Å"India†again, after a month-long sojourn into a world of Himalayan calm, yoga and Tibetan Buddhism (Dharamsala hardly feels like India). Was I ready to free fall back into the masala mania? While the traveler in me was excited to get back on the explorer’s road; the solo gal in me was dreading it. Having found roots for a month in my yoga-family cocoon, I wasn’t thrilled with going back to solo-roughing it. Fortunately when you flow with the universe, it provides you with what you need; thankfully, it granted me friends who wanted to visit the next city on my list– Amritsar. I inhaled the new landscape, watching our six hour drive go from Dharamsala’s plush mountain valleys to arid Punjabi farmland, bhangra beats and turban coiffed men on motorbikes. Well-paved roads, an organized city layout and a stunning jewel of a gurudwara (the Golden Temple), we had arrived in the proud city of Sikhism. Was this India too? That warm and romantic feeling towards travel came over me again. India had surprised me with a different face again. Amritsar was nicer and proudly distinct over other Indian cities and towns I’d been to layers cleaner too! The best vacation I had; even though it was short. But what can you see in Amritsar, if you’re short on time? The Golden Temple is an enormous Sikh Temple located in the heart of city Amritsar, and is the most important place of holy pilgrimage for the Sikhs. It is a powerful monument of immense historical importance that represents the magnificence and strength of the Sikhs spread all over the world. The glorious temple is a living example of the spirit of tolerance and acceptance that the Sikh philosophy propounds. In the other temples, the devotees have to climb up to offer their obeisance but, in the Golden Temple, devotees have to step down to offer their homage. You dont have to worry about not being able to find it as the temple walls dominate the surrounding views and the throng of people and cycle, scooters, moving to, from and around it will point you in the right direction. For a nice change entrance to a holy shrine is free. You are requested to remove your foot ware and cover your head before you enter the main temple complex, although you can get the right idea of what to do by looking around. Im sure if you make a mistake a helpful temple guard or pilgrim will set you straight. You can leave your shoes and bags quite safely at one of the drop off points. The Temple itself is a beautiful shrine found in the center of a crisp, clean and fresh man-made lake with fish swimming in the shallows and some shady spots under trees which erupt through the marble periodically. 750kg of Gold were used to make the temple. Not only is the Temple itself breathtaking, but the feel of the place is incredible. There is something tranquil, moving, relaxing and inspiring about sitting in the shadows of this testament to the Sikh faith. You really dont have to be in any way religious to appreciate it and even if youre not there is bound to be something of the spiritual which rubs off on you here. writing a service specification You could easily while away hours here (as I did! ) And its worth visiting at different times of day to appreciate the changes in light. There is constant recital from the Sikh Holy Book which acts as a fantastic soundtrack to the whole experience. Words, at least my words, cannot accurately describe the feeling of peace and tranquility that radiates all around in this temple. Its architecture represents a unique harmony between the Muslims and the Hindus way of construction work and is reputed as one of the best architectural wonders of the world. It is often quoted that this architecture has created an independent Sikh school of architecture in the history of art in India. Enjoy the humor of the India – Pakistan border crossing performance. You have to see it to believe it and when you do, you’ll want to see it for yourself. Then I went to visit the Mata temple. If you’re into a unique temple experience with a bit of camp, then the Mata temple is the second to the gold in Amritsar. Guidebooks don’t call it a labyrinth for nothing. Devoted to a female saint, Lali Devi, walking through this Hindu temple is like taking a journey through different houses and god/goddess sectors. You’ll walk up and down staircases, duck through low arches, wind through corridors and trudge through water  it’s a bit of a workout but it’s sure to keep you entertained all the way. Oh yeah, if you’re a woman looking to get pregnant, this is where you’d want to pay your respects! Shri Durgiana temple was the other place I visited. Durga is the mother of all goddesses. Her temple is a 20 minute walk from the Golden Temple and resembles it as its set in the middle of a large pool of water. Receive holy blessings look a little silly (but hey, who can’t use a little luck? ). Watch a baby celebrate his first birthday. When children (girl or boy) turn one year old, they receive a ‘baldy’ shaving at the temple. â€Å"Unbelievable†I yelled out that evening after seeing the city all around in two days. Explore the variety of shops and street vendors. Variety of foods to eat, my most favorite was dosas. Dosa is a kind of a thin, crispy crepe which is contains cheese, spinach, veggies, etc†¦ and a side dish of dip. I can say trip to India, seeing the Himalayas, different temples in the city of Amritsar, but especially Golden Temple was the best vacation I ever had. In the above essay the first two paragraphs are narrative. Since a narrative relies on personal experiences, it often is in the form of a story. I used this technique, and make sure I included all the conventions of storytelling: plot, character, setting climax, and ending. It is usually filled with details that are selected to explain, support, or embellish the story. All of the details relate to the main point the writer is attempting to make; in this case is the best vacation. The verbs are vivid and precise. The sentences used in third, fourth and fifth paragraphs are descriptive. In these paragraphs I have a particular reason for writing the description that is about my best vacation. Getting in touch with this reason it helps me to focus on description and imbue the language with a particular perspective and emotion. Ultimately, whatever I perceive or experienced I focus on the descriptive writing. I used both narrative and descriptive sentences in the whole essay. It starts with the narrative sentences and relates to each other with descriptive sentences.
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