Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Video Game Addiction Essay - 3908 Words
The controversial topic of video game addiction is what I have decided to focus my multi-genre research project on. Although a multitude of people do not even know of the existence of such a problem in todays society, I can assure you that this is becoming an increasingly greater problem effecting people around the world of all ages. Through my multi-genre project, I intend on proving the uselessness and detrimental qualities of playing video games, and I am going to explore some healthy alternatives to such a problematic habit. This is a very important topic to me because I myself used to be absorbed in video games, and through those hours wasted I have accomplished nothing. I am hoping that through this project I may be†¦show more content†¦Most of my research was done online, and I found Wikipedia in particular to be a very useful source for me. All of my online sources were found thanks to Google. I found my book by looking up video games on the online library website, and it happened to be one of the only results that pertained to my research topic of video game addiction. Some of the questions I asked throughout my searching were ?Do violent video games have an impact on the mind and ?Are video games addictive. I asked many of the same questions while searching for information that I asked before starting my research. Throughout my endeavors in discovering more about video games, I did not run into any obstacles because I already knew enough about video games to know what I needed to look up. I would have to say my greatest success in finding research about video games has to be when I found the book Playstation Nation: Protect your child from video game addiction by Olivia and Kurt Bruner. This book contained so much information that opened my eyes to so many more topics that I could delve into and incorporate into my research project. It also helped me to go cold turkey against any future video games. After reading this book, my whole research topic changed. At first, I was going to do my research topic on the impact of violent video games, but I decided to go on impulse and make aShow MoreRelatedVideo Games : Video Game Addiction2135 Words  | 9 PagesApril 15 Video Games Addiction in Asia For the past decades, video games have been accessible to varied kinds of groups all over the world, which are from children to adults. Meanwhile, problems of online games addiction are arising particularly rapid and evident, especially in Asia. According to the news â€Å"Gaming Addiction On the Rise in Asia†by Paul Gaita, nearly 1.2 billion out of 84 million of world wide online gamers are Asians, which has led Asia to be the chief of video game addiction. (Gaita)Read MoreVideo Game Addiction524 Words  | 2 Pagesperson thinks of an addiction, substances come to mind: drugs and alcohol. Doctors are now realizing and recognizing behaviors as addictive also. The criteria descriptions are almost mirrored with those of a substance addiction and Kimberly Young, PsD, clinical director of the Center for On-Line Addiction says compulsive gaming meets these criteria. Severe withdrawal symptoms are prevalent with those who are addicted; they can become violent, or depressed (Rauh, 2006). Video gaming is a $66 billionRead MoreThe Addiction Of Video Games951 Words  | 4 PagesAddiction to Video Games A few months ago, my son asked for a tablet which we bought it for his birthday. It was a good idea back then, since he never had one before and it was his birthday. My only thought was to make my son happy in rewards of his good work at school, but later it become a problem. I was scared of seeing my son playing video games! I started noticing that he was acting different. And many times he wanted to be playing these video games while we were eating or visiting relativesRead MoreVideo Addiction : Video Game Addiction1845 Words  | 8 PagesVideo Game Addiction Video game addiction is just like any other addiction in the world! Though it might not be as deadly or destructive to the body as smoking or drinking alcohol, it can be just as dangerous. According to psychiatrist Michael Brody, MD, a definition of addiction would be: 1. The person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep him going. 2. If the person does not get more of the substance or behavior, he becomes irritable and miserable (Bakker) According to the definitionRead MoreFighting Video Games Addiction : Video Game Addiction3184 Words  | 13 PagesRunning Head: FIGHTING VIDEO GAME ADDICTION 1 FIGHTING VIDEO GAME ADDICTION 11 Fighting Video Game Addiction Gabriel Rosario Baker College When parental neglect ends up being the cause of death for a child, it seems like the whole news cycle starts. Whether it s a mother or father leaving an infant or toddler strapped inside a car on a hot day, or a child who sits day after day while her parents getRead MoreVideo Game Addiction Essay970 Words  | 4 Pagesabout video game addiction. Life is full of many stages and milestones that everyone must encounter one of the largest and most important ones is the teenage stage of people’s life. During our teen years we usually figure out who we are and who we want to be. Do you want to be the gamer who stays home all day and play video games or go out with friends? Some people would rather spend a beautiful weekend inside playing video games instead of going out. Just like most other things video games can affectRead MoreVideo Game Addiction Essay710 Words  | 3 PagesVideo game addiction has always been the main topic of controversies recently due to its impact on t he young generation. In spite of the fact that it helps us to enjoy ourselves during recess and economically contributes to several countries’ income, its negative affects towards children and teenagers and so on, need our consideration. Merely in 2001, people in the US spent roughly 9.8 billions dollars on video game and this number increasingly enlarges in time. Besides, people who overplay thoseRead MoreThe Causes Of Video Game Addiction In Video Games1497 Words  | 6 PagesMany people of our generation like to play video games in some point of their life, whether it is Pokà ©mon Go, Candy Crush, Flappy Bird, Mario, Sonic, Call of Duty, Minecraft, or Skyrim. Over the past few decades of their existence, video games have been a major form of entertainment. As time goes by video games improve in graphics, sound, and storyline. It’s only natural that people would become more and more immersed in them, and Many gamers will claim that videogames are not addictive, and evenRead MoreA Video Game Addiction is Still an Addiction1582 Words  | 7 PagesA video game addiction is just like any other addiction. These addicts seek stimulus from their subjects and cannot refrain from it. It impedes on their daily lives, interrupts their way of logic, and has no real benefits. The major reason why addictions begin is because it helps them cope with their emotions. For them, it’s another world that is immersive and engaging to the point that they are entranced by it. Video games and the Internet provide a plethora of communities and people to meet. SinceRead MoreEffects Of Video Game Addiction1887 Words  | 8 PagesAlmost everyone has played a video game at least once in their life. The people who play them on a normal basis though, probably only spend an hour or two doing so per day. However, there are people who are affected by video game addiction and do not know it. The DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) does not even consider video game addiction to be a real problem. But, video game addiction is, in fact, a real phenomenon and it is a direct cause of health and social problems
Monday, December 16, 2019
Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana Free Essays
Pros and Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a very common street and recreational drug that comes from the marijuana plant. The plant that produces marijuana, as is well known, is the hemp plant cannabis sativa. The pharmacologically active ingredient in marijuana is tetra-hydro-cannabinol. We will write a custom essay sample on Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marijuana is used to heighten perception, affect mood and relax. It is estimated that about thirty percent of adults in the U. S. use marijuana. Many people think marijuana is harmless. It is not. Signs of marijuana use include red eyes, lethargy and uncoordinated body movements. The long-term effects may include decrease in motivation and harmful effects on the brain, heart, lung and reproductive system. People who smoke marijuana are more likely to develop cancer of the head and neck. The more often a person smokes marijuana and the longer they continue to smoke it, the greater is their chance of developing cancer in places such as the mouth, tongue, larynx or pharynx. A number of movements to legalize the use of marijuana have been gaining steam lately. There are places in California where it’s already legal for medicinal purposes. Much of the American public now believes that the drug should be legalized but others are still concerned about health damage and other adverse affects. The argument whether to legalize the drug marijuana has Been going on for years. Many different pros and cons come with the drug marijuana. Legalizing marijuana is an important legal battle for several reasons. First, decriminalizing marijuana would make it readily available to individuals that need it, in safe and healthy way. Cancer patients, AIDS sufferers and many other patients must now obtain marijuana illegally in most states. The objections of the federal government to legalizing marijuana have almost nothing to do with how much harm it may or may not cause–it is a matter of pharmaceutical companies resisting legalization because it will be difficult for them to profit from the legal use of marijuana. Some of the chemical components that make up marijuana have been isolated and made into pill form through government-sponsored research, which directly contradicts the current legal view of marijuana. In fact, the former Surgeon General of the United States Jocelyn Elders asserted that overwhelming evidence exists that marijuana can relieve certain symptoms of ain, nausea and vomiting. (balanced politics. com). There are many pros for legalizing marijuana. Legalizing marijuana has many positive aspects, including increased tax revenue through the legal sale of marijuana. There is also the matter of the medical benefits of marijuana to those with illnesses that limit range of motion or induce nausea an d pain. (marijuana today. com). One of the most common arguments for legalizing marijuana is for medical benefits. Particularly health benefits for people who suffer from illnesses such as depression, cancer, glaucoma and even AIDS. Marijuana has been proven helpful for inducing appetite and combating nausea. Furthermore, marijuana has also proven beneficial for increasing the range of motion for those suffering from multiple sclerosis. As an illegal substance, many who suffer from debilitating illnesses would be arrested or imprisoned for simply seeking relief from their ailments. (marijuana today. com). The studies of the harmfulness of marijuana are inconclusive and contradictory. Most doctors would agree that it’s not very harmful if used in moderation. (marijuanatoday. com). It’s only when you abuse the drug that problems start to occur. But isn’t abuse of almost any bad substance a problem? If you abuse alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, or even pizza, health problems are sure to follow. Would you want the government limiting how much coffee you can drink or how much cheesecake you take in? Some medical examples that marijuana helps is chemotherapy for cancer. Chemotherapy often causes extreme nausea and vomiting. An active ingredient of marijuana is THC which often reduces vomiting and nausea. Marijuana usually lowers pretreatment anxiety as well. Another illness marijuana helps with is AIDS. AIDS usually causes low appetite, loss of lean muscle. Marijuana improves appetite. Pain and muscle spasms associated with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis can be less occurring with the use or marijuana. Marijuana may ease incontinence of bladder and bowel and relive depression. Lastly the disease Glaucoma is a progressive form of blindness due to increased pressure inside the eyeball. When marijuana is smoked it may reduce pressure within the eye. Another positive aspect for legalizing the use of marijuana is it would significantly decrease the number of marijuana-related arrests and imprisonments in the United States. Police and court resources would be freed up for more serious crimes. More than 200,000 individuals are incarcerated each year for marijuana possession, as part of the U. S. government’s War on Drugs. Decriminalizing marijuana would also eliminate much of the crime associated with the illegal sale and trafficking of marijuana. Moreover, several states allow legal use of marijuana when prescribed by a physician, yet thousands of dispensary owners and patients are arrested every year by the federal government. Legalizing marijuana could bring in more revenue for states, as well as help individuals receive care who may be unable to receive it otherwise. (marijuana today. com). If marijuana was legalized the cost on prosecuting offenders would decrease dramatically. Many consider the War on Drugs an expensive failure. Resources for DEA, FBI, and border security are only the tip of the iceberg. You must add in the cost of police officers, judges, public defenders, prosecutors, juries, court reporters, prison guards, and so on. Legalization of marijuana would free up those people to concentrate on more important things like terrorism, harder drugs, rape, murder, and so on. In addition, an already overloaded civil court docket would be improved; and, the wait time for other legitimate court cases would be reduced. Border agents, TSA staff, drug-sniffing dogs, and scanners are some of the resources that are being directed to drug law enforcement. When these resources are focused on drugs, less time energy is devoted to protecting against terrorism and the closing of our borders. For example, dogs are trained to sniff for drugs rather than bombs. (marijanatodaypros. com). Another pro of legalizing marijuana is that the government could regulate the quality and safety of drugs. Many people die or become sick because of what is added to the marijuana they purchase. Last but not least if marijuana is legalized the government would have one more thing to throw a tax on and profit from. An enormous amount of money is raised through government taxation of alcohol, and cigarettes. The legalization of marijuana would create another item that could be taxed. I’m sure the government would have no problem spending all that extra money. The federal government’s argument for criminalizing marijuana appears to be based on pressure from tobacco and pharmaceutical industries who find the non-patentable nature of marijuana harmful to profit margins. marijuana today. com). Along with positive reasons for legalizing marijuana there is also many cons for the legalization of marijuana. One concern that appears if marijuana is legalized is that it would increase the chances of the drug falling into the hands of kids. Even unhealthy legal items such as cigarettes and alcohol are prohibited from being sold to kids. This is because kids generally donâ⠂¬â„¢t exhibit the same reasoning, responsibility, and judgment of an adult. And their bodies aren’t as equipped to handle the intake of these substances. The problem is even worse for marijuana use. Developing brains and bodies can be dealt serious blows by the use of marijuana. Any time you make something legal, you increase the accessibility to children. All too often kids and teenagers get their hands on alcohol or cigarettes. They shouldn’t let the same thing happen with marijuana. Another bad effect that may occur if marijuana is legalized is more widespread use would increase the dangers of secondhand smoke-damage to bystanders. The dangers of secondhand cigarette smoke are well-publicized. Common sense tells us that more widespread usage of marijuana increases the likelihood that other people would suffer the damage of inhaling other people’s smoke. Public places like bars would expose innocent patrons. In the home siblings, roommates, kids, and spouses would all face increased exposure. A huge concern in legalizing the use of marijuana is driving while under the influence of marijuana. Which is referred to â€Å"stoned diving†. Driving and smoking is harder to detect than drinking and driving. Only because it doesn’t usually have a distinct smell unless just smoked and the only sign is usually redder eyes. Driving while being under the influence of marijuana may be more prone to cause a car accident. Marijuana causes the brain to function slower than usually, so driving abilities may be inadequate. Marijuana is often used to a stepping-stone drug leading to heroine, cocaine, or harder drugs. Studies show that marijuana use often progresses to the use of harder drugs. In other words, people experiment with what is often thought of as a harmless drug. Then, after using it for a while people want to feel a better high. This is particularly a problem since most people will not directly start abusing the harder drugs that are generally understood to be harmful. The last and most common reason marijuana hasn’t been legalized yet is the physical damaged that is done to users’ body after a period of time. Although some studies have been disputed, marijuana abuse has been tied to brain damage, cancer, lung damage, depression, amotivational syndrome, and even death. The brain damage has been shown to cause memory loss and difficulty in problem solving. It is the governments duty to protect the public from such dangerous drugs. After all, that’s why the FDA was created. (marijuanatodaycons. com). Immediate effects after someone has smoked marijuana may include: loss of restlessness, excitement, hallucinations, psychotic, paranoia, psychotic episodes, impaired coordination, impaired motor ability, mood swings, increased appetite, and impaired ability. Long Term effects of marijuana may include: the loss of brain cells, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, energy loss, slow confused thinking, apathy, and blood vessel blockage. Physical effects of marijuana may include diarrhea, cramps, weight loss or gain, and impaired sex drive. Marijuana can be a gateway drug, which means it can lead to the use of many other harmful drugs. Marijuana has been linked with teen violence, suicide, crime, and unsafe sex-HIV transmission. Smoking marijuana by adolescent user can disrupt their emotional development, delay puberty, and can delay the monthly cycle in females. Marijuana may produce a mild physical dependence that causes minor withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, including nausea, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. marijuanatodayeffects. com) Marijuana is an addictive drug that can harm your body which is the main reason that the government would rather leave the use of it legally out of the law. Marijuana is a commonly used drug in the united states and all over the world. Many people feel differently about the legalization of marijuana. Which is clear because in some states the drug is legal, or at least lega l for medical purposes. There is many pros and cons that come with the substance of marijuana. Regardless of the law the drug is very wide spread and used. How to cite Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business
Questions: 1. Apply the elements of contract in given business scenarios.2. Apply the law on terms in different contracts.3. Evaluate the effect of different terms in given contracts.4. Explain the nature of liability in negligence. Answers: 1. Business transactions are concluded by executing a contract between the transacting parties. A valid contract is required to fulfil a few essential elements in order for it to be enforceable under the prevailing laws governing contracts in the United Kingdom. The essential elements are as follows (Hkclic.org 2016): Offer Acceptance Consideration Legal Capacity, and Intention of the parties In the given scenario, Johnson Co and Delta Co, whereby computers were supplied by the latter to the former against a consideration of 30,000, entered into a contract. This contact fulfilled the essential elements, as there was a valid offer and acceptance of demand and supply of computers against a valid consideration. There was a valid intention of the parties to create a legal relationship between them presence of a valid consideration validates the intention of the parties. Capacity refers to the ability of a party to enter into a valid contract. According to the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, an incorporated business is competent to enter into a contract until it has been declared insolvent by a competent court. The capacity of a company to enter into a contract is defined under the Objects clause of the incorporation document of the company (Lawteacher.net 2016). Unless contrary is proved, the parties in the given scenario will be treated as of having the capacity to enter into the contract and the contract will be treated as a valid one. 2. Along with the contract of sale, there was another contract between the parties to provide and receive after sales services. The services were to be provided by Delta Co. This is an implied contract between the parties where the terms to provide services implied and consists an obligation of part of the company to provide effective and efficient services to Johnson Co (TheFreeDictionary.com 2016). This obligation arises out of the mutual agreement between the parties along with an intent to promise that Delta will be servicing all the defects caused to the computers (kumar 2012). However, this promise was not fulfilled in a proper manner as problems kept on recurring on a regular basis and as a result Johnson Co faced a considerable amount of loss of business and financial resources. Nevertheless, there was a mutual agreement between the parties regarding after sales services. Therefore, this element creates a contractual obligation on Delta Co. 3. In a business transaction, the good supplied are required to be of a certain standard. This element was absent in the given case as the computers supplied by Delta Co were below standard and not working properly. Some of the computers supplied even stopped working. Numerous occasions of break down happened during a span of six months. Therefore, it can be said that the contractual obligations of Delta Co were not performed by it in a proper manner. In such a scenario, absence of an explicit refund clause will not cast serious effect on enforceability of compensation. In the given situation, legal action can be taken against Delta and a refund can be claimed (www.a4id.org 2016). However, it will be up to the competent court to decide the matter whether to order full damages or partial compensation. The court may also order specific performance of the executed contract between the parties. 4. Under the English law of contract and law of torts, a party to a contract owes a duty of care to the other party (E-lawresources.co.uk 2016). In other words, a contracting party is required to make sure that the other party to contract does not face any unreasonable harm or loss as a result of the activities of the former. In essence, contractual obligations are required to be performed in its true sense without misrepresenting or causing any loss to the other party. In case, where there is a breach of such duty, the breaching party is required to make good the losses faced by the aggrieved party. This principle came to the forefront in the case of Donoghue v Stevenson (1932). Not performing this duty of care results in a breach of the contractual terms and is termed as negligence. This is true in the given case. Delta Co was supposed to supply goods of a certain standard that did not happen and the other party faced considerable amount of losses. The problem was prolonged and am ounts to negligence for which damages and compensations can be claimed by Johnson Co. References E-lawresources.co.uk. (2016).Duty of care. [online] Available at: https://e-lawresources.co.uk/Duty-of-care.php [Accessed 12 Jun. 2016]. Hkclic.org. (2016).CLIC - Business and Commerce - Setting up a small or medium-sized business in Hong Kong - Making a business contract - What are the basic requirements for making a valid contract?. [online] Available at: https://www.hkclic.org/en/topics/businessAndCommerce/setting_up_business_in_Hong_Kong/making_a_business_contract/q1.shtml [Accessed 12 Jun. 2016]. kumar, S. (2012).Business law: ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF A VALID CONTRACT. [online] Shivamlawworld.blogspot.in. Available at: https://shivamlawworld.blogspot.in/2012/02/essential-elements-of-valid-contract.html [Accessed 12 Jun. 2016]. Lawteacher.net. (2016).Main Elements constituting A Valid Contract | Law Teacher. [online] Available at: https://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/contract-law/main-elements-constituting-a-valid-contract-contract-law-essay.php [Accessed 12 Jun. 2016]. TheFreeDictionary.com. (2016).Types of Contracts. [online] Available at: https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Types+of+Contracts [Accessed 12 Jun. 2016]. www.a4id.org. (2016).BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ENGLISH CONTRACT LAW. [online] Available at: https://www.a4id.org/sites/default/files/user/documents/english-contract-law.pdf [Accessed 12 Jun. 2016].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Justify the Means free essay sample
Even though it was not necessary people still did it even though they did not eave to (they wanted to). In the Mississippi burning the white people might have thought they had a right to hurt/kill Negro people Just because they were scared of them and thought they were better then them. That is still no good reason. Proof of the white people hurt the Negroes and damaging their land, crops, and livestock is at the beginning of the movie as the credits where going across the screen there was a Negro church burning in the background.Throughout the movie we see that the White Knights are burning down Negroes homes and barns along with the livestock inside them. All this evidence shows the brutality In Mississippi at that time. There was no reason to kill the three young activists. Especially not the reason that the UK Klux Klan had (one man was a Negro). We will write a custom essay sample on Justify the Means or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though the UK Klux Klan did not have a good reason to do what they did the Federal Bureau of Investigation should still not have done what they did. The end was right but the means were wrong.The Federal Bureau of Investigation should have done what they had been doing but they should have tried a little harder to find someone that would speak to them so they could get the rest of the names. They could have also done what they did and get the weakest link to tell Just by Interrogation rather than what they had did and scared him and his family so bad the he would do anything to not get harmed. What they did was smart but not needed; they could have found a way to do It a different way Like offer to reduce Jail time and give him protection. They should have stayed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, Ward, tactics and ask around until they found someone who will talk or someone from the UK Klux Klan that Is worried about being arrested. If they had done that Instead of fighting back then they would have not dad a bad choice. Even though the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Andersens Idea to get them to talk was a good one that worked out fine It was still wrong to do that no matter how bad It was that they did.All In all, the Federal Bureau of Investigations entire inure end methods did work It was not done In a Justice way. Justify the Means By Chockablock White Knights are burning down Negroes homes and barns along with the livestock inside them. All this evidence shows the brutality in Mississippi at that time. There link to tell Just by interrogation rather than what they had did and scared him and mart but not needed; they could have found a way to do it a different way like offer to reduce Jail tim e and give him protection. They should have stayed with the Federal someone who will talk or someone from the UK Klux Klan that is worried about being arrested. If they had done that instead of fighting back then they would have not Andersens idea to get them to talk was a good one that worked out fine it was still wrong to do that no matter how bad it was that they did. All in all, the Federal Bureau of Investigations entire entire end methods did work it was not done in a Justice way.
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