Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Five Reasons Why Your Writing Matters (Even if No-One Will Take You Seriously)
Five Reasons Why Your Writing Matters (Even if No-One Will Take You Seriously) Five Reasons Why Your Writing Matters (Even if No-One Will Take You Seriously) Five Reasons Why Your Writing Matters (Even if No-One Will Take You Seriously) By Ali Hale Do you ever think about giving up writing? You’ve been working on a novel, but you’re afraid it’s never going to be good enough. Your short stories never win competitions. Your poetry hasn’t been published. Even your blog only has a handful of readers. It’s easy to feel disheartened – especially if you don’t have much support from friends or family. Perhaps your partner just doesn’t get writing, or your friends tease you about it. Don’t give up. Your writing does matter. Even if you’ve never shown a piece of your work to anyone, even if you know that publication is a distant dream, it’s still worth writing. Here’s why. #1: It’s Not Just a Hobby Non-writers often think that writing is some casual hobby – and not a very productive one at that. After all, you might sweat for days on a story, and it still might not get published. If you took up knitting instead, you’d at least have a lumpy scarf or a pair of socks to show for your effort. Writing isn’t just a hobby, though. It’s a calling. Writers don’t pick up the pen (or turn to the keyboard) because they’re bored – they do it because they feel compelled to put their thoughts down on the page. Your writing is part of who you are, and it’s not something to take lightly. If you want to make sure your writing is more than just a hobby, read 7 Habits of Serious Writers. #2: Your Writing Can Outlive You We’re all going to die one day. Of course, memories live on – but eventually, there’ll be no-one alive who ever knew you. Your writing may well outlive you. Perhaps you’ve not got an audience for your memoir right now but it could be an incredible treasure for your great-great-grandchildren. And if you’re a poet, playwright or novelist, you might find that your work lives on long after your death. Just think of Chaucer, Shakespeare and Dickens. Your name could be one that every school child knows in three hundred years’ time. Want to write your life story and get it published? Start with Are You Writing a Memoir? #3: You Can Change Lives Most of us have a pretty small circle of influence: family, friends, colleagues, our local community. Writing, though, lets us reach across the world. If you have a blog – even a blog with ten readers – you’re touching other people’s lives. It always makes my day when I get an email or comment telling me how much one of my blog posts meant to someone. Often, I’ll hear â€Å"this came at just the right time for me†. Your writing could change someone’s life, by opening up new possibilities for them, by teaching them something new, or simply by giving them an experience that they wouldn’t otherwise have had. If you want to start reaching more people, read Aren’t You Blogging Yet? #4: Self-Expression is Important If I don’t exercise, I get cranky – and if I don’t write, I get cranky too. I do some of my best thinking with a pen in my hand, or with a keyboard under my fingers – and I’d bet that you do too. Being able to get things off your chest and onto the page can be extremely therapeutic – more so than simply talking about problems. The contents of your journal might be ephemeral but the act of writing it might be crucial for your well-being. Fiction or poetry can also be a crucial outlet, letting you explore emotions and ideas, and bring structure to them. Not sure what to write about today? Try Writing Prompts 101. #5: You’re Improving with Every Word You Write Perhaps you’re tempted to give up writing because you’re not good enough. Perhaps you’ve had nasty comments on your blog, or you’ve sent off your short stories again and again, meeting with rejection each time. Maybe you’re worried about how to find a literary agent. Even if you’re not quite there yet, you’re learning and improving all the time. Every single word you write helps you to hone your craft and take your skills further – especially if you’re actively seeking to learn new techniques. If you give up now, you’ll never know what you might have been capable of. Take your writing to the next level with The Basic English Grammar Book and 100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid. Where Next for Your Writing? I know life is busy, and that it’s hard to find the time and energy to write. But I’d encourage you to set aside just an hour this week to focus on your writing. If you’ve been reading a lot about writing without actually doing much, then now’s the time to change that. If you want others to take you seriously, it’s vital that you take your writing seriously. That might mean joining a group, enrolling on a course, or simply committing more time to your writing. What will you do, this week, to make your writing a more important part of your life? About the Author: Ali Luke is a writing and writing coach from the UK, with the cute accent to match. She’s just released How to Find Time for Your Writing, a short, practical ebook that’s completely free. Click here to find out more and to get your free copy. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive At80 Idioms with the Word TimeWhen to Spell Out Numbers
Friday, November 22, 2019
Should countries drill for oil in protected areas to reduce gas prices
Should countries drill for oil in protected areas to reduce gas prices There is a great debate going on all around the world today about whether or not countries should drill for oil in protected areas in order to reduce the price of gas. While the debate gets very heated, the reality is that there should be no debate at all. Protected areas are protected for a reason and no oil drilling should be allowed in those areas under any circumstances. The Meaning and Purpose of Protected Areas Protected wildlife or natural areas have been designated all around the world to preserve the natural eco-system of the world and to prevent human expansion that could destroy the ecology of the planet. Many of these natural areas were carefully selected, as well, based on the specific flora and fauna that inhabit them. The Redwood National and State Forest in the state of California in the United States, for example, was protected as of 1968 when the park was formed. This is the last vestige of the amazing old-growth redwood tree and is protected to prevent those trees from being wiped off of the face of the earth. Pollution and Disruption Similar areas around the world are designed to protect endangered animal and plant species and to provide everyday people with a learning opportunity when they go to visit. If oil drilling is allowed in any of these protected areas, the entire purpose of the designation as a protected area will be lost. Oil drilling means clearing entire areas of the natural wildlife. It means more human and vehicle traffic. And it means a great deal of noise. All of this could cause animals to become disoriented and flee, putting the eco-system out of balance and causing irreparable damage. Expansive Ecological Impact The other issue with oil drilling is that it is not isolated to the locations of the oil drills and rigs. The oil must be transported from the region. This is often accomplished either by trucking it out or by building an oil pipeline. Trucking it out means building wide roads through the protected areas and lands. This, again, will cause damage to the ecosystem and lead to the deaths of many old-growth trees, plants, and animals. The trucks themselves produce a great deal of noise and air pollution as well which will, again, cause serious damage to the delicate natural balance of the region. Water Contamination Drilling for oil also comes with a great deal of inherent risk to the area in which the drilling is taking place. Water contamination by way of the pollutants and by-products of oil drilling is practically a given any time oil is drilled in a region. While a company may make efforts to contain the waste water created through running oil drilling machinery and processing crude oil, this does not prevent that water from soaking into the soil and getting into ground water supplies. There is also no guarantee that companies will even try to prevent that wastewater from contaminating nearby lakes, rivers, and streams, making them unsuitable for drinking or sustaining fish and other life. Oil Spill Risks And, of course, there is the risk that the oil drilling and transportation process through protected areas will cause oil spills in the region. In fact, the reality of the drilling process is that oil spills are basically inevitable. Experts estimate that around 70 oil spills occur every day in the United States alone. While these spills are usually small and can be contained, they still have an impact. Big spills too are inevitable and do happen more frequently than most people know. Large spills can wipe out the wildlife and eco-system for miles upon miles and can take years or centuries to recover from. Even then, much of the wildlife that once inhabited the area has been destroyed and cannot come back, especially if the species is endangered or can only inhabit that region. With all of these factors in mind, it is easy to see why there should be no drilling for oil in protected areas to reduce gas prices. There are alternative options to increased oil drilling and the destruction of protected natural areas including finding and developing alternative and renewable energy sources. Under no circumstances should countries be allowed to drill for oil in any protected area.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Briefly explain Socrates view of justice, as found in The Republic. In Essay
Briefly explain Socrates view of justice, as found in The Republic. In your explanation, make sure to include his views on the State and the individual soul. Do you agree or disagree with Socrates' view - Essay Example In short, Socrates argument with regards to justice can be condensed into the following dictum – justice necessarily includes helping friends and protecting them from evil; however, this cannot take place at the expense of another. As a means of building upon this concept, Socrates states that payment of debt in and of itself is a form of justice as is helping a close friend or ally. This discussion of help and aid with regards to a close friend or ally is unique due to the fact that it instantly conjures a situation in the mind of the reader or listener in which a friend is threatened by a third party and it is the responsibility of the other friend, according to Socrates’ understanding of justice, to intervene on his behalf as a means of providing justice to the situation. The issue that arises with this particular understanding of justice is the fact that Socrates goes on to state that violence is not permissible as a means of conflict resolution under any case. This of course leads the reader to question how justice is to be applied under Socrates’ definition if one seeks to rigidly uphold the determinants that he has lain out in his argument. For instance, if one understands that the primal motivator of justice is seeking to the do the right thing and if therefore seeking to do the right thing must necessarily include protecting a friend from the meddlesome or violent threats of a third party/individual, what then is the responsible friend to do in such a situation which is likely to culminate in violence; stand idly by or ignore the first dictates of Socrates’ argument. Socrates’ definition of justice further can be broken down into the wide dictum that if merely everyone showed attention to the way things ought to be, the ideal society, full of justice, would at last be realized. Although one can of course state that such an interpretation is utopian, the fact of the matter is that this definition of what justice entails is also a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Conceptual Design Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conceptual Design - Coursework Example Lateral stability in the building is achieved by the use of a framed structure as shown in figure 3. A frame structure makes the building become capable of evenly directing all the loads of the foundation without causing stress at one point of the building more than the other. The foamed structure is such that the slab is placed on top of the beams which form the walls. The total force is from the upper rooms of the story is thus efficiently transferred downwards. Notably, the slab is also constructed by spanning it along the shorter side so as to increase length stability. This technique has the advantage of reducing the total number of beams and columns that are needed in the construction of the building and at the same time while maintaining a stable structure. Each beam is scanned at a length of 4 meters. This is cheaper and very affordable in terms of the bars used. Any design is only viable once tests done on it can prove its authenticity and applicability. Testing for the feas ibility of the member positions used in the design can be done by the use of preliminary sizing exercise for the main structural elements of the building. As shown in figure 6 and 7, the desired measurements for the slab, beam and wall are 150, 300 and 200 respectively. The column is designed with an approximate size of 300 rising up to about 4000.Often conceptual analysis is a precise procedure which has most of the details embedded in the diagrams used in the explanation.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Top games Essay Example for Free
Top games Essay Nearly all the children could do the above I therefore suggest that the game is appropriate for the age range I planned it for. Throughout this observation the children have gained developing co-ordination and control over the cards. They have used fine motor skills to lift a turn over the cards, for the first few times the children turned over the cards they had a little difficulty all of the children discovered however that if they slide the card to the edge of the table it was easier to pick up. They have also been learning about sharing and turn taking and how everyone has to have fair turns and not to hurry them along. They have been thinking about ordinal numbers (first second etc) and what number comes next, and also through my open-ended questions, about lengths and sizes of the lines. B F Skinners theory of positive and negative reinforcement also fits in here. If a child gets a number and puts it in the correct order, they may be praised, told well done. There actions have been reinforced (positive reinforcement). On the other hand a child may not come first the first time they play the game, they may not like this feeling which would inspire them to really try the next time, although if they do not come first again the may take a disliking to the game. I was fully prepared for the activity as all I needed was the game cards, I didnt need any additional resources. I discussed with my placement supervisor the suitability of the game and whether she thought it to be age and stage appropriate to these children. I was mostly completely planned and ready for this activity although it would have been helpful if I could have more time, there was enough time to play quite a few games, but not all the children in the class got a chance to play and not also was that unfair to some of the children I could have benefited from seeing the whole class dealing with the game to support my evaluation more. As I have said the number of children in the group was correct it was easy to manage the situation. I think that I gave clear instructions although it may have made more sense to the children if I had set down some firm ground rules at the start. Again the only thing that did not go to plan was the amount of time I had allocated for the game. The resources I made was suitable for its purpose it lasted quite well and was quite durable as they were backed onto card I think in future I would laminate the cards so they were more durable. It did help the children to learn, but I think it would have been more helpful to them if the numbers were higher as most of the children already knew their numbers one to five quite well. I could also have made different versions of the game such as, instead of trains I could do flowers or animals depending on what the subject they were focusing on at the time was. Mind map-China-I think that including the whole class was suitable because the children all gained feedback off each other. Although it was quite difficult to tell how many of the children could count the suggestions as they all counted at the same time, some of the children could have been following what everyone else was saying. When the children were asked (separately) how many suggestions to make twenty? they took a little longer than I had expected to work it out but got it right in the end. Some of the children had a little prompting as how to work it out. As the suggestion about Chinese writing came up a lot I wasnt sure if the children were copying the first child who suggested it or whether they were going to suggest it in the first place. Tassoni and Beith (2002 p 400) state that between the ages of four and six years a child should normally be: Showing more understanding and using reason based on their experiences ? Starting to use and understand symbols e. g. reading and writing Again nearly all the children could do the above I suggest therefore that this activity is appropriate for the age and stage of these children. The children have been learning in the area of knowledge and understanding of the world they have been thinking of past events that they could link with the subject of China (e. g. I had a Chinese last night). The children have expanded in their knowledge of listening, not interrupting and waiting to be asked before speaking. They have also learnt a bit about how to discuss with people. They have also been learning about mathematics by counting how many suggestions are on the board and calculating how many more Again with this activity I can see where B F Skinners theory fits in. in a similar way to the first activity if a child comes up with good suggestions they will get a well done. This will encourage them to think deeper to think of another suggestion to get the same praise (positive reinforcement). B F Skinner also says that by ignoring certain behaviour it may disappear which could be done with the children that interrupt. Tassoni and Beith (2992 p 223) state that adults need to extend childrens vocabulary and help them to use language as a way of thinking, open questions can be used when working with children. This means asking questions where children have to give more than one worded answers during my activity I believe I covered this as I asked a few open ended and the children responded well. Children also need to learn the skills of listening and this means that we must be good role models for them by listening to them although the children were good at listening I still believe that I acted as a good role model to them by listening to all of the suggestions and not being dismissive. I wasnt prepared for the amount of suggestions that the children gave it may have been helpful if I had a spare piece of paper for such circumstances. I had discussed with my placement supervisor the suitability of this activity I discussed whether it was age and stage appropriate and whether it was stimulating enough for the children to sit there for a while and pay attention. I think that the time I had allocated for this activity was appropriate; the times were roughly similar when the children started to run out of suggestions and when we had to start the next activity. The activity was a success there was good feedback later on throughout the day and the children were also asking to have other people suggestions explained to them (showing they were interested in the subject). I had extra support from my supervisor to manage all of the children as it was a class of twenty-eight so it was managed quite well. I gave clear instructions about what we were doing but not about how they had to sit or that they had to wait to be asked. I think that it would have been beneficial to explain this before the activity was started to set down the ground rules. Other than this all went to plan with the activity. Recommendations The train game when I asked the children the questions I often got one-word answers, in order to help them expand on the subject more, the adult in the situations asking more open-ended questions about the subject could do this. During the game I had two children with the same favourite colour I dealt with this by playing two games, it may have been easier to ask the children to swap in the middle of the game or to not let the children choose at all I could just deal the cards to them. I could also for future games keep the colours the same (starting cards one colour, number one cards another colour etc). In order for the children to progress, I could make other cards numbered up to ten, if this proved to difficult because of the amount of cards on the table they could be separated into two piles one to five and six to ten. I could also play the game backwards if they had managed it the original way well. I could make the cards colour co-ordinated e. g. either they have to get the whole set of one colour to win or that the aim is to make a pattern. The best way I think to extend this activity would be turning it into a quiz each child is asked a maths question, if they get the question right they can turn over a card if they get it wrong they will wait until their next turn. In this activity whatever the version an adult would need to be present to make sure the game is being carried out in the way planned, that the children are all taking turns and that the children are being sensible with the cards.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Cult of True Womanhood and The Yellow Wallpaper :: Yellow Wallpaper essays
The Cult of True Womanhood and The Yellow Wallpaper Prior to the twentieth century, men assigned and defined women’s roles. Although all women were effected by men determining women’s behavior, largely middle class women suffered. Men perpetrated an ideological prison that subjected and silenced women. This ideology, called the Cult of True Womanhood, legitimized the victimization of women. The Cult of Domesticity and the Cult of Purity were the central tenets of the Cult of True Womanhood. Laboring under the seeming benevolence of the Cult of Domesticity, women were imprisoned in the home or private sphere, a servant tending to the needs of the family. Furthermore, the Cult of Purity obliged women to remain virtuous and pure even in marriage, with their comportment continuing to be one of modesty. Religious piety and submission were beliefs that were more peripheral components of the ideology, yet both were borne of and a part of the ideology of True Womanhood. These were the means that men used to i nsure the passivity and docility of women. Religion would pacify any desires that could cause a deviation from these set standards, while submission implied a vulnerability and dependence on the patriarchal head (Welter 373-377). The medical profession’s godlike attitude in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†demonstrates this arrogance. The Rest cure that Dr. Weir Mitchell prescribed, which is mentioned in Gilman’s work, reflects men’s disparaging attitudes. His Rest cure calls for complete rest, coerced feeding and isolation. Mitchell, a neurosurgeon specializing in women’s nervous ailments, expounded upon his belief for women’s nervous conditions when he said, American woman is, to speak plainly, too often physically unfit for her duties as woman, and is perhaps of all civilized females the least qualified to undertake those weightier tasks which tax so heavily the nervous system of man. She is not fairly up to what nature asks from her as wife and mother. How will she sustain herself under the pressure of those yet more exacting duties which nowadays she is eager to share with the man? (Mitchell 141) On the other hand, the male sector of society enjoyed mobility. Men reaped benefits from not only the private domain, but they were also free to leave and enter the public sphere.  They received nurturing from women in the private arena. The public sphere was where men enjoyed the competition engendered in the market place through which they gained their identity.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Learning Process Essay
â€Å"Learning to write is a complex process, both individual and social, that takes place over time with continued practice and informed guidance,†is a very complex quote. There is so much meaning and context to this one quote, that can really get the writer thinking. As for myself, I agree with this quote quite a lot but still to a certain extent. Everyone has their own mindset, but for me I do agree that learning to write is a complex process, individual and only sometimes social, and definitely does take place over time with continued practice and informed guidance (proof shows that). To start off with ‘learning is a complex process,’ as for this part of the quote I totally agree. At times, I can spend hours, sometimes days, just thinking about how to start my essay, research paper, etc. Then once you finally find your thesis and actually do begin, the complexity still doesn’t end. You have to continue to find more details, analysis, background, and a lot of other things for whatever you might be writing. One example of a complex paper I wrote in this English 10 class would have to be our first essay, â€Å"My Sacred Grounds.†I can clearly remember that it took me forever to start, to find a life experience to talk about and then to have to add details. The whole paper probably took me over a course of three to four days to just write the first draft. For the next part of the quote I only agreed to an extent of..‘learning to write is both individual and social.’ Like I said before, everyone’s writing process depends on themselves, but as for me I feel that most of the writing process is just individual and only social when you need it to be. Such as, when I write, I write without any help and its an all independent process, but then again at the same time its social because I write for my professors, get help from different sets of people at times like peers, the writing center, and sometimes even my professors. Lastly, once again I agree completely with the last part of the quote that learning is a process ‘that takes place over time with continued practice and informed guidance.†To just learn how to write basics it takes us, as students, years to learn. We have to go through elementary, middle, and then finally high school with the basics of learning how to write until finally in college we are slowly let go and taught to continue to learn by ourselves. Even then the learning process never truly ends, especially not for writers, you learn as you write for the rest of your life. Also, just as the quote says we learn with ‘informed guidance’ meaning most of the time someone is there to check our work like our peers or professors. Overall, writing truly is a very complex process and this quote sums it up really well!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Environmental Pollution Essay
Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. It is an issue that troubles us economically, physically and everyday of our lives. The contamination of the environment is also being linked to some of the diseases that are around currently. Yet, most people do not know about this problem. This shows that environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly worse problem that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible, not only for the good of the environment but also for the people that live in it. Many factors are present for why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. However, if the people of the world were to address the issue it would definitely help both the environment and it’s people. There are many activities that can be done by both the common citizen to the governments of the world, which could severally improve the world’s environmental problem. On the other hand, if the current way the world’s environmental problem is being handled continues, catastrophic consequences can follow for the future population. Over the years, environmental pollution has become more of a problem for a number of reasons. â€Å"Due to the great increase in the world’s population, which is at 6.1 billion, energy use, and the number of vehicles on roads make air pollution a greater threat than ever  (Pollution, Environmental). Because of this, â€Å"air pollution kills eight thousand people a year due to respiratory related problems  (Air Pollution Kills). â€Å"Also, 40% of the world’s deaths are being attributed to environmental factors  (Segelken). With such a number of people dying a year due to air pollution one can see how much the environmental pollution is affecting us. This dilemma is only made worse due to the current means of disposing nuclear waste. â€Å"Until 1993, Russia would resort to the dumping of its high and low level radioactive waste by dumping it into the Arctic seas and any other low-level waste into the Seas of Japan  (Nitze). â€Å"Radiation from nuclear waste is known to cause a series of reactions in body tissue that results in damage to the bodies cells  (Daley). This can cause disease, such as cancer, injury, or death. The effects on the human body make the situation even worse for the people of the world. But, an even more common threat is the use of incinerators and landfills, for the reducing and disposal of waste. Using incinerators to reduce the volume of trash not only causes air pollution but also produces toxic ash that must be disposed of in specially made landfills. Landfills themselves can pollute groundwater after heavy rain, which would then be drunk by the surrounding population.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
3 Cases of Poorly Constructed Short Lists
3 Cases of Poorly Constructed Short Lists 3 Cases of Poorly Constructed Short Lists 3 Cases of Poorly Constructed Short Lists By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, the writer is under the misapprehension that the statement includes a list of three words and/or phrases; in fact, each sentence includes a compound list item and a simple list item (or at least is better rendered so that it does), for a total of two items. Discussion of each example explains the problem, and a revision after each sentence resolves the problem. 1. These projects provide the needed insight as to where these measures work, don’t work, and why. One solution for this sentence is to express the elements completely: â€Å"These projects provide the needed insight as to where these measures work, where they don’t work, and why they don’t work.†However, a simpler, more concise solution is to combine work and â€Å"don’t work†into one element: â€Å"These projects provide the needed insight as to where these measures work or don’t work and why.†2. Many lament a system that is unfair, discriminatory, and one where the American Dream is out of reach. Sentences such as this, as with the first revision in the previous example, can often be repaired by supporting the middle element of the list with phrasing parallel to that of the first and last elements, but the final element is problematic, too, so the simplest approach is to pair unfair and discriminatory: â€Å"Many lament a system that is unfair and discriminatory, and one where the American Dream is out of reach.†(Those words may seem redundant, but in context they are distinct.) 3. The convergence of increased regulation, the need for modernization and innovation, combined with an exponential increase in cyber risk, creates a major challenge for insurance companies. The complication in this sentence is that â€Å"combined with an exponential increase in cyber risk†is treated as a list item rather than a related but distinct parenthetical. In addition, the second item, with its â€Å"a and b†structure, is already complex. But the simple first item and the complex second item can easily be bridged with a conjunction rather than a comma to become syntactically valid: â€Å"The convergence of increased regulation and the need for modernization and innovation, combined with an exponential increase in cyber risk, creates a major challenge for insurance companies.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Is She a "Lady" or a "Woman"?Expanded and ExtendedThe 7 Types of Possessive Case
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Sixth President John Quincy Adams - Fast Facts
Sixth President John Quincy Adams - Fast Facts John Quincy Adams was the ultimate diplomat for the United States. He was the son of Americas second president, John Adams. Like his father before him, he only served one term as president. After his failed second bid, he was elected to serve in the House of Representatives. Following is a quick list of fast facts for John Quincy Adams.For more in depth information, you can also read the: John Quincy Adams Biography Birth: July 11, 1767 Death: February 23, 1848 Term of Office: March 4, 1825-March 3, 1829 Number of Terms Elected: 1 Term First Lady: Louisa Catherine Johnson - She was the only foreign-born First Lady. John Quincy Adams Quote: Individual liberty is individual power, and as the power of the community is a mass compounded of individual powers, the nation which enjoys the most freedom must necessarily be in proportion to its numbers the most powerful nation. Additional John Quincy Adams Quotes Major Events While in Office: Erie Canal Opens (1825) Tariff of Abominations (1828) Related John Quincy Adams Resources: These additional resources on John Quincy Adams can provide you with further information about the president and his times. John Quincy Adams BiographyTake a more in depth look at the Sixth president of the United States through this biography. Youll learn about his childhood, family, early career, and the major events of his administration. Top 10 Significant Presidential ElectionsJohn Quincy Adams was involved in one of the top ten significant elections in American History. In 1824, he beat Andrew Jackson for the presidency when it was put into the House of Representatives through what has been called the Corrupt Bargain. Chart of Presidents and Vice PresidentsThis informative chart gives quick reference information on the Presidents, Vice-Presidents, their terms of office, and their political parties. Other Presidential Fast Facts: James MonroeAndrew JacksonList of American Presidents
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Analytical Report - Essay Example Alexander Malcomson encouraged his own business partners to invest in Henry Ford’s recently established business which was mainly viewed with skeptcism by the public. It was only the efforts of Malcomson that allowed Ford to be registered as a legitimate business. At its first stockholders’ meeting, John Gray was elected as the company’s chairman while Henry Ford took over the vice-presidency. Moreover, the three initial starters of Ford would not long remain friends and partners. Subsequent disagreements led to John Gray resigning his post and Henry Ford taking over as president of the company. While Henry Ford was quite successful in managing the company, the real profits came with the outbreak of World War One. As a pacifist, Henry Ford joined other leaders in Europe in trying to avert the outbreak of war. Even though his efforts were unsuccessful, his reputation as a pacifist served him well when the Allied Powers turned to American car manufacturers for mili tary vehicles for the war. Ford’s phenomenal success would continue right through the First World War, but would start to wane before the Second World War because the company was being run as a personal fiefdom and not a multinational corporation. In addition, Henry Ford did not pay much attention to the needs of customers, but was more interested in building vehicles that were to his tastes. In addition, the great Depression suffered by America in the late 1920s affected Ford. To keep afloat, the Ford Corporation had to implement cutbacks and fire many employees. During the Second World War, Henry Ford would be criticized for allowing the Ford Corporation’s branches in Germany to produce war machinery for the Nazis; even though he also supplied engines for the Allied forces. Moreover, from a business point of view, Ford was merely trying to stop his German plants from being nationalized by Adolph Hitler. Ford suffered from low sales after the Second World War due to n ational economic issues as well as problems caused by internal strife, but still managed to remain afloat. To a great extent, Ford’s survival through the years has also been the result of financial assistance received from the American government during its worst crises. Today, more than a hundred years after the Ford Corporation was launched, it is the second largest manufacturer of automobiles in the world. Ford has been able to maintain its position in spite of issues such as globalization, and aggressive competition. In the early years, American car manufacture was basically the forte of Henry Ford (Geyer, 2011). Ford’s method of mass production was copied by many recognized industries of that era, and was soon also adopted by other industries around the world. Global Overview of Issue The Ford Corporation today has branches in Asia, Europe, Africa, South and Central America, the Middle East, and the Caribbean (Geyer, 2011). When Ford first launched operations outs ide the United States, the newly established foreign branches were only authorized to deal in sales and distributions. The economic integration that was brought by the initial episodes of globalization allowed Ford to be able to produce and distribute vehicles from 108 branches stationed across six continents (Geyer, 2011). Ford's operations in foreign nations
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